- the common peope in Gnangdong 广东民众
- The common man in every country is anxious for world peace. 每个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- The insurance cover driver driving in the countries of the common market. 此项保险适用于在欧共体成员国驾驶的司机。
- He was regarded as heretic by the common people. 他被大众视为异教徒。
- They made an alliance against the common enemy. 他们联合起来抵御共同的敌人。
- A politician needs the common touch. 政治家需要有平易近人的美德。
- The common cold idles more people than any other disease. 普通的感冒比其他疾病能使更多的人无法工作。
- We usually hang out in the common after class. 我们放学后通常会在广场上消磨时间。
- The common herd suffered a lot in those days. 当时一般群众的生活都很苦。
- One of the common people of ancient Rome. 平民古罗马的普通公民之一
- Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold. 科学家仍在寻求治疗感冒的方法。
- The commonest words are starred in this dictionary. 在本词典中,最常用的单词前加有星号。
- The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。
- In the early days, on the western frontier, red eye was the common alcoholic drink found in most saloons. Over-consumption made the eyes red! 在〔美国〕西部拓荒时代的早期,"redeye"是在大部份的酒廊就有的非常普遍的酒。喝了过多就使眼睛充血了。
- A motion was passed by the Commons yesterday. 昨天下议院通过了一个动议。
- Corrupt officials milked the common people dry. 贪官污吏搜刮尽了民脂民膏。
- She's different from the common run of students. 她跟一般学生不同。
- We must all work for the common good. 我们大家必须为公共的利益而工作。
- A dog is one of the commonest pets in families. 狗是最常见的家庭宠物。