- the conceptual context 语境
- A concurrent engineering team should be formed during the conceptual phase. 在产品的概念阶段,就应该组成协作的工程团队。
- It was studied how to apply the CO to the conceptual design of a trunkliner. 用协同优化方法对某型干线客机进行总体方案设计;
- This paper studied mainly the conceptual design of mechatronics system. 主要研究了机电一体化系统的概念设计。
- There's likely to be a great discrepancy between the conceptual level sale and reality. 这很像概念上的销售和实际之间的巨大脱节。
- One of the immediate impacts of these discoveries was the conceptual difficulty inherent in adopting a dual model. 这一发现的直接影响之一是由二元模型固有的概念性困难所造成的。
- This problem has to be resolved at two levels - at the conceptual level and at the practical level. 我看,要解决这个问题,必须从理论概念,和实际工作两方面下手。
- This problem has to be resolved at two levels-at the conceptual level and at the practical level. 我看,要解决这个问题,必须从理论概念,和实际工作两方面下手。
- The micro/macro distinction is also important with respect to the conceptual origin of behavioral relations. 微观和宏观区别,在表明行为关系的概念起源方面也颇重要。
- In this installment, the authors explain how they began the conceptual process for the game. 在本文中,作者说明了他们如何开始游戏的构思过程。
- We possessed neither the conceptual nor the historical framework for so cold-blooded a policy. 我们既缺乏这种观念上的素养,也没有这种历史上的背景来采取如此冷静的政策。
- Connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associatons suggested by the conceptual meaning. 由概念意义产生的言外之意或联想。
- The following illustrations show the conceptual structure of arrays with different ranks. 下面的插图演示具有不同秩的数组的概念性结构。
- The following list includes links to the How-to topics found in the conceptual documentation for network programming. 下面的列表包含的链接指向有关网络编程的概念文档中的“如何”主题。
- The following list includes links to the How-to topics found in the conceptual documentation for remote objects. 下面的列表包含的链接指向有关远程对象的概念文档中的“如何”主题。
- The Conceptual Travels of Transitologists and Consolidologists: How Far to the East Should They Attempt to Go? 转型论者与巩固论者的观念旅程:何时能到东欧?
- Its key personnel by style and training are usually uncomfortable with the conceptual preaches. 它的主要人员不论就其作风或所受的训练而言,一般都不善于遵照一定的总体思想去工作。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- But this color corresponds to the conceptual tune of that big enterprise or plant. 但是这种颜色跟大的这种企业、工厂概念颜色色调是相吻合的。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。