- In many ways, science is the critique of myth (W.B. 从多方面来看,科学是神话的批评性分析所产生的。
- The critique of Halsey's actions at Leyte goes to these questions. 对莱特湾上哈尔西战斗的批评针对以下这几个问题。
- the critique of language 语言批判
- The critique of pure reason has to lay down the complete architectonic plan. 纯粹理性批判必须以建筑术的方式亦即从原则出发设计出整个蓝图。
- Religion needs the critique of science to prevent it from becoming overly dominant. 宗教也需要科学的批判,否则就独霸了。
- The essence of language is communication. 语言的本质是沟通。
- From a Wrong Road to a Right One: What's the Value of the Critique of Post-colonialism on chian? 从歧途到正途:中国后殖民批评的价值何在?
- The critique of the view that thinking is representational consciousness rests on these straightforward considerations. 对思想是表象性意识的观点的批评就是以这种直接的考虑为基础的。
- Ludwig von Mises in 1920, however, added something special and new to the critique of socialism. 然而,米塞斯在20世纪20年代对社会主义提出了一些特别的和全新的批评。
- But the order in the subdivision of the Analytic will be the reverse of that in the critique of the pure speculative reason. 但是分析论中内容的次序与纯粹思辨理性批判刚好相反。
- I have no further need for the purposes of this critique of notions borrowed from psychology; the critique itself supplies the rest. 我们无需借助心理学来批判这个法则,批判自身就能够提供。
- Kant held in the Critique of Pure Reason that the world of appearances (phenomena) is empirically real and transcendentally ideal. 康德之后的主要继承者有费希特、谢林和黑格尔,他们都共同点是试图取消物自体。
- Adorno analyzes the critique of culture from two different angles: from the critique of spiritual, leite or high culture and from the critique of material, mass or low culture. 阿多诺的文化分析同时由两种方向进行:一则是针对精神文化、精英文化、雅文化的面向;另则是针对物质文化、大众文化、俗文化的面向。
- His lecture covered various aspects of language. 他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。
- Dewey's project starts with the critique of the dualistic opposition between knowing and doing and the abasement of the latter in the Western spectator tradition of philsosphy. 这个计尽首先批判西方旁观者哲学传统中的知行二元对立和对行的贬低。
- This award-winning book investigates the critique of psychoanalysis formulated by the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) over a period of five decades. 生活在现代处理: 凯尔碧玉和精神分析(哲学和医学) 这本获奖的书调查在五十年的一段时期精神病医生和哲学家凯尔碧玉(1883-1969)阐述的精神分析的批评。
- The origin of language is also unclear. 语言的出现同样也是模糊不清。
- It illuminates relations between the critique of religion and the praxis of socialism, which is apparently generated from a worldview of historical materialism. 透过该内容的分析,说明宗教批判与社会主义之实践之间的关系。这种关系是唯物史观的世界观。
- More than twenty different Lutheran groups may be identified, many of which are separated on the basis of language. 可以查明的不同的路德会派别就有二十多个,其中有许多是根据语言而自成一派的。
- English belongs to the Germanic group of languages. 英语属于日尔曼语系。