- Many issues hung upon the outcome of the debate. 许多问题都看这次辩论结果如何来决定。
- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 这次争论没有引起公众丝毫的兴趣。
- As usual the chairman held the floor for most of the debate. 象往常一样,主席以冗长的讲话控制住辩论的大部分时间。
- But nuance rarely figures in the debates of our age. 不过,在我们这个年代的辩论中,细节通常都不算数。
- I am sure the wide awake people of this country will participate in the debate. 我相信这个国家的有识之士肯定会参加这场辩论。
- Let's not protract the debate any further. 我们不要再继续争论下去了。
- The argument of "for" and "against" cremate is in fact that of challenge and support of "the debate of Hua Yi". 在这场斗争中,火葬屡禁不止的事实表明挑战一方获胜和维护一方的受挫。
- The candidates exchanged shafts in the debate. 候选人在辩论中唇枪舌箭。
- He abstained from voting at the end of the debate. 辩论结束投票时,他弃权了。
- Liu's idea broke the debate of "Object" and "Application" in westernization movement, and became his ideological basis in the reform of Qing Dynasty. 刘光第的西学思想突破了洋务派的“体”“用”之争,是他参与维新变法的重要思想基础。
- The debate of some foundamental theories objectively limites the improvement of judicial supervision system of international commercial arbitration. 而学术界对司法监督的一些基本理论问题尚存争议,客观上也成为制约我国国际商事仲裁司法监督体系完善与发展的瓶颈。
- Recently the media has turned national attention toward the debate of whether a terminally ill cancer patient should be given euthanasia. 最近引起舆论关注的辩论议题是:是否应给患绝症的病人安乐死?
- The debate over the residual powers of the States has been long drawn out. 有关美国剩余的权力的争论已是旷日持久的了。
- He remained neutral during the debate. 他在辩论中保持中立。
- The Delegation added that the debate of the previous three days had enabled them to move forward and that it found the document to be very constructive in that process. 代表团补充说,前三天的辩论使得会议程序得以推进,而且他们认为在这一程序中,这是一份非常具有建设性的文件。
- I couldn't get my point across in the debate. 在辩论中我无法清楚地表明自己的观点。
- At present, the research concentrates on its theoretical content and application, and become mature in the debate of practical aestheticism and post-aestheticism. 目前这一研究主要围绕它的理论内涵及其运用展开,并在实践美学与后实践美学的论争中走向成熟。
- He was totally outflanked in the debate. 他在那场辩论中一败涂地。
- The article reviewed the philosophical origin of the debate of the different epistemological belief systems and appraised the current research on epistemological beliefs. 本文回顾了认知论不同观点的哲学背景及美国心理学界目前对认知论的研究状况。
- Hao Liang, from Chongqing, blends his technical virtuosity in Chinese ink with a macabre vision that intermingles Song Dynasty portraiture with Tudor and Elizabethan imagery. 来自重庆的郝量,将精湛的传统国画水墨技巧与宋代肖像绘画和都铎与伊丽莎白时期的绘画技巧混合在一起,带给观者令人惊奇的视觉感受。