- The triditional friendship between our rwo nation can regress to the deep past. 我们两国人民之间的传统友谊,可以追溯到遥远的过去。
- Using the difference equations, we can try to reconstruct the deep past. 我们可以尝试使用差分方程式重建非常久远以前的历史。
- Sea fisheries sector technical staff said: Novaculina of these clams are big and white, dashed from the deep past. 海渔部门的技术人员称:这些蛏子和白皮大蛤蜊都是从深海里冲上来的。
- The clear blue sky looks like the deep sea. 碧空像深邃的大海。
- The agency gave my suggestions the deep six. 经销处对我的建议置之不理。
- The deer escaped to the deep forest. 那鹿逃入了丛林深处。
- Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering. 她的脸上带着受过苦难的深深的痕迹。
- The deep crevasse yawned at their feet. 他们脚下的冰川有一道深深的裂缝。
- The old man trudged home through the deep snow. 老人踩着积雪,步履艰难地往家走。
- Don't jump off the deep and. I was just trying to be helpful. 不要这么粗暴地和我说话,我只是想帮一下忙。
- When I said I'd broken it, she really went off the deep end. 我说我把它给弄坏了,她可真气极了。
- My horse jump across the deep ravine, but all the others balk. 我的马跃过深谷,但其余的马都突然停止不动。
- The deep mud negatived all the efforts to advance. 这路太泥泞使所有前进的努力都白费劲。
- Her son's voice have acquired the deepness of a man. 她儿子的声音已经有了成年男人的低沈。
- They got lost in the deep of the forest. 他们在森林深处迷了路。
- He went off the deep end after his wife left him. 太太弃他而去之後,他就精神崩溃了。
- We decided to skirt round the deep jungle. 我们决定绕过那片茂密的丛林。
- He trudged 20 miles through the deep snow. 他在深雪之中跋涉了二十英里。
- He was lost in the deep and quiet forest. 他迷失在这幽深的山林里。
- Blood was spouting from the deep cut in his arm. 血从他胳膊上深深的伤口里涌出来。