- the early Tang Dynasty novel 先唐小说
- The estimated time of burial was placed in the early Tang Dynasty. 埋藏的时间估计在唐朝早期。
- Block-printing was invented about A.D. 600, in the early Tang Dynasty. 刻版印刷术,约创始于公元七世纪,即唐初年间。
- Block-printing was invented about A.D. 600,in the early Tang Dynasty. 刻版印刷术,约创始于公元七世纪,即唐初年间。
- Tri-colored glazed pottery was exported to foreign countries in the early Tang Dynasty and won great favor. 唐三彩早在唐初就输出国外,深受异国人民的喜爱。
- Tri-colored glazed pottery was exported to foreign countries in the early Tang Dynasty and won great.favor. 唐三彩早在唐初就输出国外,深受异国人民的喜爱。
- Wang Bo, Luo Binwang, Yang Jiong, and Lu Zhaolin were called the Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty. 王勃、骆宾王、杨炯、卢照邻合称为“初唐四杰”。
- It is much dispraised that the eight history books of the early Tang Dynasty have obtained most material from novels. 摘要唐初八史的修撰多取小说,受到后代诸多指责;
- The portrait painting style initiated by Yan Liben of the early Tang Dynasty, which had aimed at praising country heroes, gradually lost its appeal. 于是,初唐时像阎立本那样以人物画表彰功臣,以绘画为"存乎借鉴"的政治性创作,已不显得多么需要。
- Lu Zhaolin, one of “Four Famous Poets in the Early Tang Dynasty”, was a typical tragedy literator in the history of ancient Chinese literature. 卢照邻,“初唐四杰”之一,是中国古代文学史上极具典型的悲剧文人。
- Suo Yangcheng first built in the Han Dynasty, the existing castle built for the Early Tang Dynasty, from east of the city. 锁阳城最早建于汉代,现存城堡为唐初所建,由东西两城组成。
- Due to its important station, the mountain was regarded as the symbol of Taizhou which had got the name from it since the early Tang dynasty. 因其山为台州之镇山,向被视为台州之象徵,台州即以此山而得名,故自初唐以降长期被用于代称台州。
- At the turn of the early Tang Dynasty to the prosperous Tang, Chen Yuanguang's "Longhu Poetry Anthology" had some breakthrough success in the theme, aesthetics and style. 摘要初盛唐之交,陈元光《龙湖集》在诗歌题材、审美趣味、诗歌风格等方面均有所突破。
- It was renamed Fengjie in the early Tang Dynasty because it was the site of a prefecture which controlled several surrounding counties.It was also named Kuizhou or Kui Prefecture. 唐初改为奉节,因唐朝在此设置了州府,管辖周围的郡县,所以又称为夔州或夔府。
- As the most tragic one among “Four Famous Poets in the Early Tang Dynasty” in circumstance and destiny, his life, thought and creation got the bright individual brand mark. 作为“四杰”中遭际、命运最悲惨的一员,他的生平、思想和创作均打上了鲜明的个人烙印。
- The various reclusion phenomena in the early Tang dynasty can reflect the whole appearance of the culture of reclusion completely and typically, so I limited my study to the early Tang dynasty. 本文截取了初唐这个历史片断,研究隐逸文化现象,因为初唐由于政治、经济、文化等方面的承上启下的地位,其多种多样的隐逸现象可以典型全面地反映整个隐逸文化的各种状态。
- eight history books of the early Tang Dynasty 唐初八史
- poetry of the Early Tang Dynasty 初唐诗
- the literature of the early Tang Dynasty 初唐文学
- official histories of the early Tang dynasty 唐初正史