- In the early months of reformasi, dozens of Islamist parties sprang up. 在reformasi运动头几个月里,数十个伊斯兰主义政党如雨后春笋般冒出来。
- Certain types of malnutrition during the early months of pregnancy may have similar effects. 怀孕早期某些类型的营养不良可能产生类似影响。
- Roosevelt presented his new program cautiously during the early months of 1937 in step with changing circumstances. 1937年头几个月,罗斯福随着环境的变化谨慎地提出他的新计划。
- Republican leaders must have surveyed the political scene during the early months of 1936 with considerable dismay. 1936年头几个月,共和党的领袖们一定怀着相当的沮丧情绪考察过政治舞台。
- It's limited, normally, to the early months of pregnancy and before long will go away, leaving nothing harmful behind. 它一般只限制在怀孕初期的几个月,不久就会自行消失,不会留下任何病症。
- In the early months of 2005 a good number of his patients' lives had been reinvigorated by the drugs. 2005年开春之时,这种抗逆转录病毒药品也为一大批患者送去了生命的春天。
- He was harshly critical of the Jedi Knights and their role in the war during the early months of the conflict. 他曾严厉地批判绝地武士,以及他们在战争最初几个月内所扮演的角色。
- In the early months, you will be very energized by your job and you'll be appreciated for your hard efforts and high standards. 在前几个月,你在工作上花费了大量精力,由于你的努力和积极表现,受到了大家的一致好评。
- Of the many babies born in Bio2 during its first two years, the most visible was a galago born in the early months of closure. 在生物圈二号里头两年诞生的婴儿中,最大的是在系统关闭后的头几个月里诞生的夜猴。
- Ferguson hopes Owen might have the same influence as Henrik Larsson did in the early months of 2007, when he was brought on loan from Helsingborg. 欧文如期在曼联在开始了他全新的职业生涯,并在亚洲行的两场比赛中斩获两球。但是弗格森表示他希望欧文更多地承担起配合鲁尼和贝巴进球的任务。
- Many experts are calling for a summit meeting between President Obama and Russian leader Dmitri Medvedev in the early months of the new U. 许多专家呼吁奥巴马和俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫在美国新政府上任后不久就举行首脑会议。
- When the infection rate of Clostridium difficile doubled in the early months of 2006, the information was not released to the board or the public. 2006年前几个月,当艰难梭菌的感染率翻倍时,信息禁止向理事会或公众发布。
- In the early morning, he robed and drove abroad. 他一早就穿好衣服开车出门了。
- This confederation's power was dramatically highlighted by the careful investigation of a House subcommittee--the Pujo Committee--in the early months of 1913. 这个联盟的力量,通过众议院一个小组委员会--普乔委员会--在1913年头几个月的仔细调查,非常引人注目。
- How grand the mountains look in the early evening! 暮色中群山是多么壮丽!
- Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 樱桃树在早春开花。
- We made our departure in the early morning. 我们一大早就起程了。
- During the early months of the war she engaged in patrol, escort, and antisubmarine duties throughout the southwest Pacific as a unit of Destroyer Squadron 29. 在她参与巡逻战争的上月期间, 护航, 和反潜艇责任在西南太平洋过程中作为单位驱逐舰分谴舰队29 。
- With both the Eastern and Western Fronts disintegrating in the early months of 1945, the difference between them loomed ever larger in the minds of German soldiers. 随着1945年年初几个月里东线和西线崩溃,两条战线不同之朦胧处德军士兵脑海中越发清晰起来。
- As the saying goes the early bird catches the worm. 谚语说,早起的鸟有食吃。