- This regiment is already committed to the eastern front. 该团承担东线的战斗任务.
- It is a tremendous thing, this question of the eastern front. 东线的问题,是一件非同小可的事情。
- I wrote in my summary report, and our forces thus released would help stabilize the eastern front and defend the west. 我在总结报告里写道,这样我们部队可以腾出手来协助稳定东线并保卫西线。
- This regiment is already committed to(ie It has been settled that it will fight on)the eastern front. 该团承担东线的战斗任务.
- In Army Group Centre's sector of the Eastern Front, Paul Hausser's Das Reich was in reserve when the invasion began. 东线的俄国中部战区,保罗豪塞尔的“帝国”师在入侵开始后作为预备队。
- In early 1942 Hitler and Stalin were each looking for a decisive victory on the Eastern Front. 1942年初,老希和斯大林都希望在东线获得一场决定性的胜利。
- This was to be the Verdun of the Eastern Front - a battle of attrition rather than a fast-moving tank battle. 这将会是东线的凡尔登--比起一场快速的坦克战来说,更像是一场消耗战。
- Manstein was justifiably dubbed "the saviour of the Eastern Front" for his efforts in turning back the Russian tide. 曼施泰因由于击退了苏军的进攻,而被赋予了“东线救星”的称号。
- On the Eastern Front, strictly regimented Soviet forces were often completely confused and defeated by these tactics. 在东线,完整的苏军编制经常会被完全打乱,并且因此战术而失败。
- The Fourth Army became one of the Romanian armies fighting for the Red Army on the Eastern Front. 第四步兵师同样是东线为苏军作战的罗马尼亚军队之一。
- Early in the war Franco despatched the Blue Division, Spanish troops who served on the Eastern front. 纳粹的挂牌公司在这里从事着全球性的洗钱活动,而马德里在当时毫无例外地成为了间谍活动的巢穴。
- Das Reich had been hardened by years on the Eastern Front, but by 1944 was an unhappy unit under a martinet commander, Heinz Lammerding. “帝国”师在东线的几年变得十分坚韧,但1944年他们在严肃的指挥官,海因茨拉美尔丁的指挥下变得糟糕。
- Their services were soon required when the Soviet 1944 summer offensive, codenamed Bagration, broke like a thunderclap on the Eastern Front. 1944年夏,苏军发动了“巴格拉季昂”攻势,东线的德军被迅速击溃,这时急需要武装党卫队来挽救危局。
- After their mauling on the Eastern Front in early 1944, the Waffen-SS panzer divisions were rested and rebuilt to bring them up to strength. 在1944年初的东线大伤元气后,武装党卫队的装甲师通过休整和重建逐渐恢复了力量。
- Though widely distributed, the Eastern Front Medal was held in high regard and it can sometimes be seen outranking the War Merit Cross 2nd class. 虽然广泛分布;东线奖章显得在极其尊重,有时看见它高于2级铁十字战功勋章.
- This was in complete contrast to the German experience on the Eastern Front, where no member of the Wehrmacht ever surrendered voluntarily. 这一点与德军在东线战场的经历形成鲜明对比,在东线,德国国防军没人自愿投降。
- The China Theater of Operations more resembled the Soviet-German war on the Eastern Front than the war in the Pacific or the war in Western Europe. 皇帝翻译的是中国战场类似于苏联和德国的东部战场和太平洋战场和西欧。
- When Guderian, the Chief of the General Staff, who was responsible for the Eastern front, protested Hitler gave him a stern lecture. 当负责东线的参谋总长古德里安表示异议时,希特勒痛斥了他一顿。
- The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky. 那座山在东方天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。
- After the invasion of Russia in the summer of 1941, the need for manpower to feed the Eastern Front led Himmler to begin setting up so-called foreign legions in the Waffen-SS. 在1941年夏入侵苏联后,由于东线需要大量的人力资源,希姆莱开始在武装党卫军中招募越来越多的外籍军团。