- A command or group of commands whose execution is conditional, based on the evaluation of a preceding or associated command. Nesting is a structured form of branching. 一种或一组命令,根据前面的命令或者相关联命令的求值结果,有条件地执行。嵌套是分支的一种结构形式。
- the evaluation of physique 体质评价
- The evaluation of me should not be too exaggerated or too high. 对我的评价,不要过分夸张,不要分量太重。
- The Evaluation of QC/QA in Water Sampling with the Step regression. 逐步回归在评价水质监测采样过程QC/QA中的运用
- The evaluation of partial derivation is quite simple. 偏微商求值十分简单。
- It is imperative to institute a system for the evaluation of work. 要实行考核制度。
- I guess it was surface EMG for the evaluation of tremor. 我认为像是皮质基底节变性,多系统萎缩也要考虑。
- This designer works on the evaluation of the strength is very. 这句话对评价设计师作品是很有力度的。
- Identifies the evaluation order of expressions. 标识表达式的计算顺序。
- The evaluation is of 100% lead reputably. 评价都是100%25的好评率。
- Spatial distribution must also be regarded in the evaluation of competition. 在评价竞争时,同样必须注意空间分布。
- The evaluation of an athlete will fluctuate or elevate if he has been better. 升,如果他受到了更好的教化或者犹豫于具体的模仿一个更伟大的研究生。
- Returns one of two expressions based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression. 基于布尔表达式的值返回两个表达式之一。
- Nutrition components of Acrida cinerea and the evaluation of its utilization. 中华剑角蝗的营养成分与利用评价。
- The application of Archie equation to the evaluation of clastic reservoirs. 阿尔奇公式在碎屑岩储集层中的应用
- Finally, the improved algorithm NEA is applied in the evaluation of teaching. 最后将关联规则数据挖掘的方法运用到课堂教学评价中。
- Multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) has great impact in the evaluation of the liver. 摘要多层螺旋CT对于肝脏疾病的诊断具有重要的作用。
- We were Dhi Villa contrast to the evaluation of specific projects on targeted. 我们对照人济山庄这个具体项目来评价,就有的放矢。
- Pharmacokinetics plays an important role in the evaluation of new drugs. 药物动力学在评价新药中发挥着重要的作用。
- Vacuum-tight time is the evaluation of the basic chaetomium surface properties. 真空稠接工夫是评价不净背层本能机能的根基指标。