- He gave up on the eve of success. 他在大功告成之前放弃了。
- We are on the eve of a great change. 目前是大变动的前夜。
- The party is on the eve of graduation. 晚会在毕业典礼前夕举行。
- On the eve of our examination,it rained. 在考试前夕,下雨了。
- Before leaving; on the eve of departure; on the point of leaving 将要离开,将要离别
- Ritual devotions observed on the eve of a holy day. 在宗教节日前的祈祷
- He felt sick on the eve of the race. 他在比赛前病了。
- A Christian festival observed from December 24, Christmas Eve, to January 5, the eve of Epiphany. 圣诞节节期圣诞节假日从十二月二十四日的圣诞前一天,到一月五日的显灵节前一天。
- I am always in a state of nerves on the eve of an examination. 临考的前夕我总是非常紧张。
- The last volume of Modern History goes down to the eve of the Great October Socialist Revolution. <现代史>的最后一卷写到伟大的十月社会主义革命的前夕。
- On the eve of departure I carry my egotism so far as to say, 'Do not forget me, my kind friends, for probably you will never see me again.' 现在我要走了,请允许我自负地对你们说,别忘记我,我的朋友们,因为你们大概永远再也见不到我了。”
- Egypt on the eve of Islam Hellenism. 伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。
- The country was on the eve of the First Revolution. 当时全国处于第一次革命的前夜。
- On the eve of departure I carry my egotism so far as to say, 'Do not forget me, my kind friends, for probably.you will never see me again.' 现在我要走了,请允许我自负地对你们说,别忘记我,我的朋友们,因为你们大概永远再也见不到我了。”
- I came back home on the eve of the Spring Festival. 我除夕之夜才回到家.;(大年夜;春节)
- Bill stayed up late on the eve of the final exam. 比尔在期终考试的前一晚熬夜。
- On the eve of their departure they gave a farewell banquet and their head. 他们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,他们的团长发表了告别讲话。
- Clay was nervous on the eve of the examination. 克莱在考试前夕很紧张。
- On the eve of our examination, it rained. 在考试前夕, 下雨了。
- the eve of departure 离别之际