- Radically reform the existing educational policy and system. 根本改革过去的教育方针和教育制度。
- Potassium is necessary to the existence of all living things. 钾是所有生物生存必须的。
- Change the existing educational system and curriculum and put into effect a new system and curriculum aimed at resisting Japan and saving the nation. 改变教育的旧制度、旧课程,实行以抗日救国为目标的新制度、新课程。
- Atheists deny the existence of God. 无神论者不相信上帝的存在。
- The existing educational system is still very much dominated by the methods of pressure and compulsion. 现存的教育系统仍然很大程度上受制于压制与强迫的方法。
- I believe in the existence of discarnate spirits. 我相信无形的灵魂之存在。
- Do you really believe in the existence of God? 你真地相信上帝存在吗?
- He proved the existence of parallel lines. 他证明了平行线的存在性。
- Dimorphism The existence of two distinct forms. 二型现象:出现两种不同的类型。
- The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society. 这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个昌盛的母系社会。
- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法。
- Discover or determine the existence. 发现并且确定其存在。
- Do you believe in the existence of God? 你相信上帝的存在吗?
- Determinism denies the existence of free will. 宿命论否认自由意志的存在。
- With Berkeley he denies the existence of matter. 他和柏克烈同样否认物质的存在。
- We should make a better use of the existing equipment. 我们应该更好地利用现有设备。
- The phenomenon of the existence of isomers. 同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象
- The thinks it necessary to combine setback education with patriotism education, existence education and crisis education. 同时,认为实施挫折教育,必须与爱国主义教育、生存教育、危机教育等相结合。
- He does not believe in the existence of ghosts. 他不相信有鬼存在。
- Many people believe in the existence of aliens. 很多人相信外星人的存在。