- It was, perhaps, no great wonder that she should prefer one, so much above her in the external things of life. 这也许并不奇怪,她会折中一个生活上一切外表条件都远比她好的人。
- "Dramatization" refers to avoiding a very straightforward representation, but placing the author"s will and emotion on the external things. “戏剧化”是指尽量避免直截了当的正面陈述而以相当的外界事物寄托作者的意志与情感。
- The external recognition cannot mean much to you. 外界的这种表扬对你并不十分重要。
- The external representation of one or more objects. 一个或很多对象的外在表示。
- What are the External Symptoms of Mind Control? 什么是精神控制的表面症状?
- Finally there is the main memory which relative to the external cache memory is very slow. 这样,相对外部高速缓存存储器,主存的速度非常慢。
- The path to the external source. 外部源的路径。
- The external debts of that country are staggering. 那个国家的外债大得惊人。
- They let me wait in the external. 他们让我在外边等。
- The external temperature was 74 degress F. 外面的温度是华氏74度。
- Tds Holds the external debug symbol table. 保存外部的调试符号表。
- By making sin a purely external thing its seriousness was minimized. 若视罪孽纯粹是一种外在的事情的话,那就低估了它的严重性了。
- Before the body of the car can be properly repaired, all the external fittings must be taken off. 要很好地检修汽车车体,必须先把所有的外部装置拆掉。
- the external thing 外物
- Nature is the great agent of the external universe. 大自然是客观宇宙的主要力量。
- They are the external or uncontrollable factors. 它们是外在,无法控制的因素。
- Check the external property list for a value. 在外部属性列表中查找值。
- This property contains the external e-mail address. 此属性包含外部电子邮件地址。
- Use this text box to type the external host name. 使用此文本框可以键入外部主机名。
- Can we know anything about the external world? 我们能够知道关于外在世界的任何事情吗?