- It is vague and groundless to attribute DU Shi-niang's tragedy to the feudal ethics. 将杜十娘之悲剧归结为封建礼教的观点,是空泛而脱离文本的。
- Lao-She reveals the destiny of these fiery women from the angle of ethics, and critically penetrates into the inhibition and distortion of humani ty caused by the feudal ethics. 老舍从伦理意识的角度来展示这些悍妇的命运,以此作为反封建的一个切入点,抨击封建伦理 意识对于人性的压抑与扭曲。
- The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics. 那个女人是封建礼教的叛逆。
- The feudal barons were cruel to the people. 封建贵族对人民很残酷。
- The Dominance of the Chinese Language and the Feudal Ethics of Our Nation 论汉语支配关系与民族封建伦理
- On the one hand, he fiercely criticizes the unenlightened view on women of the feudal ethical code in China,such as"the unclean concept", "the chaste concept", "the small feet culture", etc. 一方面,他对我国封建礼教的落后妇女观,如不净观、贞节观、小脚文化等进行了猛烈的抨击,指出它们的非人性化性质;
- From the basis of the feudal classes? 从封建阶级的基础吗?
- Sacrifices of the Feudal Ethics--On the Tragedy of PAN Jin-lian and Wang Xi-feng 封建礼教的无奈奠品--论潘金莲与王熙凤悲剧人生三部曲
- It only made limitedly adaptation in the foundation of feudal ethics and rites. 它不过是在封建礼教基础上作出了有限的变通而已。
- the feudal ethics 礼
- He told him of the feudal state in which he lived. 他叙述他那胜似王侯的生活。
- Causes of DU Shi-niang's tragedy has long been attributed to the evil feudal ethics. 摘要在杜十娘的悲剧成因这一问题上,历来被认为是封建礼教的罪恶表现。
- All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics. 历代封建统治阶级都力图用礼教把妇女禁锢起来。
- They show that women in Huizhou were bounded by feudal ethics, and reflect their misfortunes in marriage, humble and miserable life. 反映了旧时代徽州妇女受封建礼教思想的束缚,婚姻爱情上的种种不幸和卑贱凄惨的生活;
- This throne symbolized the supreme power of the feudal society. 这个宝座是封建皇权的象征。
- He has complex and contradictory psychological characteristics.While trading on feudal ethics, he could not get rid of the bondage of traditional concept. 在将封建的伦理道德、纲常律令踩在脚下的同时,他又不能完全摆脱传统观念的羁绊。
- To this day, the feudal political absolutism has not disappeared. 而封建式的专断政治形态,至今也还没有结束。
- The government, with an attempt to rally and reinforce its rein, carried out a series of policies to strengthen the cultivation of feudal ethics and morality. 为维持和巩固封建统治秩序,统治者极力推行道德教化政策,这主要包括有:强化传统忠孝观念;
- It was here that the feudal emperors handled their daily affairs. 这里是封建王朝处理朝政的地方。
- To this day,the feudal political absolutism has not disappeared. 而封建式的专断政治形态,至今也还没有结束。