- Growth law of the fly ash concrete strength 粉煤灰混凝土强度增长规律初探
- Study on the Fly Ash Concrete 粉煤灰混凝土
- The coopera-ting rate of decarbonized coal fly ash concrete was researched and used to fulfil the pavement repair work. 进行了脱炭粉煤灰混凝土配合比等方面的试验研究,并在路面修复工程中应用脱炭粉煤灰完成了试验路修筑工作。
- Abstract: The test results of fly ash concrete were introduced.The optimum content of fly ash in concrete was determined. 文摘:介绍了粉煤灰砼的试验成果及在工程应用中的最佳掺量、最佳超量系数,为粉煤灰砼在寒区堤防护坡中的应用提供了科学数据。
- Under the complex geological condition where the backfill is on thick soft clay, the design method of combining fly ash concrete pile and lime pile is presented. 针对深厚软粘土上覆新回填土的复杂地质条件,提出了粉煤灰混凝土桩与石灰桩联合进行地基处理的设计方法。
- The influences of the fly ash and ground slag on performances of the strength,contraction,frost-resistance,impervious of Cl-and elasticity modulus of the LC45 light-weight concrete was researched. 研究了LC45高强轻集料混凝土掺加磨细矿渣和粉煤灰后,在强度、收缩、抗冻、抗氯离子渗透性能以及弹性模量方面的影响。
- The carbonation performances and gas permeability of four types of concrete(ordinary concrete,fly ash concrete,air-entrained concrete and fly ash airentrained concrete) were studied in this paper. 研究了普通混凝土、粉煤灰混凝土、引气混凝土和粉煤灰引气混凝土等四类混凝土的抗碳化性能和气体渗透性能。
- Four main factors of the water and cement ratio, complex scoria, cement and water quantity, which influence the chloride permeability in fly ash concrete, were, analyzed with the proposed model. 在此基础上,能利用有限的试验数据方便地由不同的配比对所浇注混凝土渗透性进行预测,有助于准确认识混凝土耐久性随配比参数的变化规律。
- Through the research on the forepart strength mechanism of Lime-fly ash Concrete, the characters of fly ash from Zhoukou and the effect of forepart intensity of the different mix doping. 通过对二灰碎石早强机理的研究,针对周口粉煤灰的具体特点,研究不同外掺剂对二灰碎石早强的作用效果,有效地解决了二灰碎石早期强度不足的问题;
- The kinetics of hydration process of fly ash as well as cement clinker in the fly ash cement were studied. 研究了粉煤灰水泥中粉煤灰和水泥熟料的水化过程动力学;
- The results show that the washing pretreatment eliminates most of the dissoluble chloride in the fly ash. 进行了水洗、磷酸洗涤、重金属的化学结合形态分析和焚烧飞灰的热分析试验。
- Early autumn of the morning breeze, we watched the unfurling of the fly ash so the car away. 早秋的晨风,就这么目送着扬起了飞尘的汽车远去。
- The article studied the thermal desorption behavior of PCDD/Fs on the fly ash under anoxic conditions. 研究了垃圾焚烧产生的飞灰中二恶英在隔绝空气受热条件下的热脱附行为及规律。
- The results show that the conductance of the fly ash cement is betterr than the portland cement in the same conditions. 结果表明:在相同条件下,粉煤灰水泥的导电性能优于普通水泥,。
- The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
- The mineral compositions of the fly ash from CFBC cofiring coal and high-sulfur petroleum coke(CFBC fly ash) was in. 粉煤灰的矿物相组成对其资源化具有重要意义,它主要取决于燃料品种和燃烧过程。
- She flipped at the fly with a swatter. 她用苍蝇拍打那只苍蝇。
- The results show when the content of Al2O3 in the fly ash in entrance and exit of ESP is 44.2% and 47.8%, the resistivity of fly ash is over 1012? 结果发现;电除尘器入口及出口飞灰中铝含量分别高达44.;2%25及47
- Housework keeps mother on the fly all day. 家务劳动使母亲整天忙忙碌碌。
- The experimental results showed that C S H gel and Aft were the main hydrated products in the fly ash cements for high road. 实验结果表明 ,公路粉煤灰水泥的主要水化产物为C -S -H凝胶、钙矾石及少量的Ca(OH) 2 。