- Including you, the former world champion. 也包括你这位前世界冠军。
- The former world champion, Bulgaria's Nova in the championship after Stefano told reporters with a smile. 前世界冠军、保加利亚选手斯蒂凡诺娃在夺冠后笑着对记者说。
- The former World Champion is looking forward to an upturn in form next season - as well as giving a very famous rock star a snooker lesson. 前世界冠军正在寻求下赛季的突破,而且他还正在给一个著名的摇滚歌星做斯诺克的培训。
- Mccolgan,the former world champion and Olympic silver medalist at 10000 metres and winner o the 1991 New York marathon,has been dogged by injuries in recent years. 前世界赛冠军、奥运10000米赛银牌得主同时也是1991年纽约马拉松赛冠军的麦考甘近年来一直是伤痛缠身。
- The Finn will make his WRC debut later this year in Rally Finland, a move the Italian press has seen as an indication that the former world champion is ready to leave F1. 芬兰人将在今年拉力赛芬兰站首次亮相WRC,意大利媒体将此看作是前世界冠军准备离开F1的预兆。
- The former world heavyweight boxing champion,Tyson,is apt to get irritable. 世界前重量级拳击冠军泰 森很爱发怒.
- the former world champion 前世界冠军
- Clayton Fredericks, a former world champion, said he was impressed by Alex when he started coaching him as a boy. 前世界冠军克莱顿弗雷德里科斯说,他在华天还是个男孩时开始训练他,那时就对他印象很深。
- Former world champion Mike Tyson has urged David Haye to bring the star factor back to the ailing heavyweight division. 前拳王迈克泰森督促大卫哈耶:快给萎靡不振的重量级注入一些明星气息。
- As Muhummad Ali,the former world heavyweight boxing champion,bent to ignite the Olympic flame,his hand shook. 当前重量级世界拳王穆罕默德·阿里弯腰点燃圣火时,他的手在颤抖。
- Kong Linghui,former world champion,defeated Swedish veteran Jan-Ove Waldner in a five-set battle for the men's singles medal. 前世界冠军孔令辉在男子单打决赛中苦战五局,最终战胜了瑞典老将扬一奥韦·瓦尔德内尔。
- As Muhummad Ali, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, bent to ignite the Olympic flame, his hand shook. 当前重量级世界拳王穆罕默德·阿里弯腰点燃圣火时,他的手在颤抖。
- Having used RB products since 2004 he has now joined the Swiss team which is led by former World Champion Adrien Bertin. 采用了包产品自2004年以来,他已经加入了瑞士队是由前世界冠军阿德里安贝尔坦。
- Hoff doesn't plan to swim the 400 IM this year, even though she is a two-time world champion and former world record holder. 霍夫今年并不准备游400个人混合泳了,尽管她是两届世界冠军和前纪录保持者。
- Kong Linghui, former world champion, defeated Swedish veteran Jan-Ove Waldner in a five-set battle for the men's singles medal. 男单前世界冠军孔令辉打满5局,力克瑞典老将瓦尔德内尔,勇夺冠军。
- Former world champion Valentino Rossi said the riders would meet to decide if they should protest at the next Grand Prix in Shanghai on May 4. 前世界冠军罗西说,车手将举行会议,决定如果他们抗议在下次大奖赛在上海5月4日。
- The former world number one won 6-4 7-6 6-2 on Centre Court as Djokovic, tipped as a potential champion, crumbled under the pressure. 前世界头号选手在中央球场以6-4,7-6,6-2击败了在压力下崩溃的德约科维奇。
- Still using the team's 1966 RA273 machine, former world champion Surtees finished third at the season opener in South Africa. 苏瑞提斯仍然驾驶的是车队1996年的RA273,在南非的赛季开幕站上,这位前世界冠军以第三名的成绩完赛。
- She proved herself a worthy successor to the former champion. 她证明了自己是前冠军的当之无愧的接替人。
- Former world champion Ken Doherty believes that Ronnie O'Sullivan made some very valid points when he called on the powers that be to create a new lease of life for snooker. 前世界冠军达赫迪认为,奥沙利文做出了一些非常有效的点时,他要求的权力,是要创建一个新的租赁生活斯诺克。