- the funneled drop of pressure 压力漏斗降
- Why doesn't the water in the funnel drop out? 漏斗里的水为什么不会掉下去?
- What cannot the water in the funnel drop out? Air occupies space. 漏斗里的水为什空气可以占据空间流不下去?
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盘未记录压力下降。
- It took a bit of pressure to make the lid close. 要稍按一下才能把盖子盖紧。
- Why cannot the water in funnel drop out? 漏斗里的水为什么不会流下去?
- Gas/oil ratio will move upward and condensate output will decrease with the drop of pressure. 气田衰竭式开发时,随着压力下降,气油比上升,凝析油产量下降。
- The top of the funnel is connected to a tube. 这漏斗的顶上接了一根管子。
- A thread of smoke is wisping out of the funnel. 一缕清烟从烟囱里袅袅而上。
- A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy. 一滴奶在水中扩散开来,使水变得混浊不清了。
- Here come the orator, with his flood of word and his drop of reason. 来了个演讲大家,确是口若悬河,但仅有点滴道理。
- A drop of blood slid down his leg. 他的腿上流着一点儿血。
- The characteristics of pressure drop of wire packing rotating packed bed absorber in air independent propulsion (AIP) system are analyzed under counter-current condition and the model of pressure drop is built. 摘要对不依赖空气动力装置(AIP)系统不锈钢波纹丝网填料旋转床吸收器在气液两相逆流条件下的气相压力降特性进行了分析,建立了压力降预报理论模型。
- The reason is the elastic and plastic deformation of the rock during the drop of pressure, and then the decline of the permeability and poritity which is partly reversible or completely reversible. 其中主要原因是在压力下降过程中储层发生弹塑性形变,储层的渗透率、孔隙度将会随压力的下降而发生部分不可逆或完全不可逆的变化。
- If somebody offered me a trip to Bermuda I'd be off at the drop of a hat. 如果有人请我去百慕大群岛旅行的话,我会立即出发的。
- I'll have a wee drop of cream in my coffee. 我要在咖啡里放一丁点儿奶油。
- She would blush at the drop of a hat. 她动不动就脸红。
- The top of the funnel is connected to a tube . 这漏斗的顶上接了一根管子。
- He made up his mind never to touch a drop of drink. 他决心不再喝酒。
- Why cannot the water in the funnel flow out? 漏斗里的水为什么不能流下去呢?