- the gap on regional economic 区域经济差异
- With the economic development in China, the gap of the regional economic between Eastern area and Western area is becoming more broadening. 区域经济理论与实践证明,金融对促进区域经济协调发展具有重要作用,特别是对像中国这样的发展中国家更为关键。
- He left with a winning double that saw him trim the gap on leader John Moore to four winners. 大卫希斯昨日取得两场头马,现仅落后榜首练马师约翰摩亚四场头马。
- Often overlooked, however, is the broader impact of poorly developed debt markets on regional economic and monetary policymaking. 不过,经常被忽略的是发展不完善的债务市场对地区经济和货币决策的广泛影响。
- Look for a gap on both sides of the road. 寻找马路两边都有空位的地方。
- Denver scored the important shots everything we were closing the gap on the scoreboard. 每次比分接近时,丹佛都可以拿下关键的分数。
- They planed to narrow the gap between imports and exports. 他们计划缩小进出口的差额。
- The gap between the rich and the poor has widened. 贫富之间的差距扩大了。
- The greenback remained under pressure on Wednesday as traders awaited the release of the Fed's Beige Book on regional economic conditions and an auction of 10-year US Treasury notes later in the day. 周三美元依然受压,交易商均等候今天稍后时间美国联储局公布之褐皮书,以及10年期美国公债之标售结果。
- From catastrophic failures to engineering breakthroughs, Bridges closes the gap on what you thought you knew about these engineering marvels. 最后,又会访问一下替大桥工作的工作人员,他们经常走到桥上进行维修工作,令人看得心寒。
- The Blues closed the gap on Premiership leaders Manchester United to five points last night after picking up a 1-0 win over Newcastle. 蓝军在昨天晚上1-0战胜纽卡斯尔后将与曼联的差距缩小到了五分。
- But I think we have done an incredible job in closing the gap on them. Credit must go to us too. We're there with them and battling with them. 但是我想我们已经做到了一项不可能的任务,那就是抹平两队的差距。我们也应该得到表扬。我们要和他们战斗。
- But for Hyundai, after having closed the gap on quality, the story now is all about styling, and their mantra is "design, design, design. 但是,对于现代之后,关闭质量的差距,现在的故事都是风格,他们的口号是“设计,设计,设计.
- After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor. 他们进入了那个高原上的小裂口之后,沿着陡峭的洞穴斜坡向下爬去,一直来到一条狭窄的走廊。
- Empirical Study on Regional Economic Organization 区域经济空间组织实证研究:以辽宁省为例
- Carrick returned to the midfield to help United overpower Newcastle United 5-1 at the weekend, and clos the gap on league leaders Arsenal to just three points. 卡里克在上周末曼联和纽卡斯尔的比赛中首发出场并帮助球队5-1战胜对手,把和联赛领头羊阿森纳的积分差距缩小到3分。
- However, the gap on relative student scale of higher education between two countries is overstated due to the shortcomings of two relative value indicators and miscalculation. 但是,由于这两个相对指标的局限性和计算错误,导致了对两国间高等教育学生相对规模差距的高估。
- Research on Regional Economic Development and Demonstration Effect 示范效应与地区经济发展研究
- There are discussions, public fora, university courses, conferences, media coverage on the one hand and mushrooming of multiple organisations working to bridge the gap on the other. 一方面,有很多讨论、公共论坛、学校课程、研讨会以及媒体的覆盖,另一方面,也有雨后春笋般涌现的多种组织机构致力于为二者(残障人士与主流社会)之间牵线架桥。
- Barbarian can hop across gaps on the map. 他可以跳过地图上的裂缝峡谷之类障碍。