- A Review on the General Theory of Law and Globalization 法律与全球化一般理论述评
- We owe the general theory of relativity to Einstein . 我们把相对论这个理论归功于爱因斯坦。
- the general theory of law 一般理论
- A full analysis requires the general theory of relativity. 全面的分析必须用广义相对论处理。
- See Hans Kelsen,General Theory of Law and State,Harvard University Press,1949,p113、113、113. 此处指普通法律在规范事实上违宪,但尚未被法定程序宣布为违宪的状态。
- We owe the general theory of relativity to Einstein. 我们把相对论这个理论归功于爱因斯坦。
- The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity II. 广义相对论基础2。
- We owe the discovery of the general theory of relativity to Einstein. 我们将一般相对论的发现归功于爱因斯坦。
- It is only the latter with which the general theory of errors is concerned. 误差的基本理论只与后者有关。
- General Theory of Law an. 法律和国家的一般理论。
- Chapter one It is a summary of the general theory of the commercial bank, commercial bank loans and risk. 第一章是对商业银行、商业银行贷款及风险的一般理论的概述。
- From 1905 to 1916, Einstein worked on the General Theory of Relativity, a new concept on gravitation. 由1905年至1916年,爱因斯坦集中钻研广义相对论有关万有引力的新概念。
- Indeed, Keynes himself put forth his idea in a book called The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. 事实上,凯恩斯是在其《就业、利息和货币通论》一书中提出他的观点的。
- The theory not only reconciles the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, but also made them complementary to each other. 超弦理论不单消弭广义相对论及量子力学的不相容性,而且使这两大理论互相依存,缺一不可。
- According to the general theory of the marketing strategy, a research on marketing environment of Pharmaceuticals and marketing mode of PoMs in China has been made. 本文从营销战略的一般理论出发,对我国目前医药产品营销环境及处方药营销策略进行了讨论。
- Based on the general theory of counterbalance of beam pumping unit, the paper induces a sim-ple formular for adjusting it. 目的:解决目前游梁式抽油机平衡重调节的复杂计算问题。
- This article is divided into five parts altogether: First of all,the author have explained the general theory of anticipatory breach. 期前违约制度之所以被各国接受是因为其体现了经济生活中的效率、公平和安全的原则。
- A1: Gravity does indeed distort light.It was one of the predictions made by Einstein in 1915, when he proposed the general theory of relativity. 第一个回答:万有引力确实会扭曲光线,这是爱因斯坦于1915年提出相对论时,提出的预言之一。
- In this treatise, the authors present the general theory of orthogonal polynomials on the complex plane and several of its applications. 在这篇论文里,那些作者提出关于复杂的飞机和它的一些申请的正交多项式的一般的理论。
- General relativity or the general theory of relativity is the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1915. 广义相对论或广义相对论是爱因斯坦1915年发表的引力几何理论。