- This novel is set in the gold rush. 这本小说是以淘金热为背景的。
- Skagway was a boomtown in the Gold Rush days. 今天到达淘金时期的城市史凯格威。
- Skagway was a boomtown at the Gold Rush days. 今天到达淘金时期的城市史凯格威。
- The Gold Rush proved a disaster for Sutter himself. 对萨特本人来说,淘金最终是一个灾难。
- This town eye-witnessed the gold rush in 20th century. 这个小镇见证了20世纪的淘金热。
- However, it was the Gold Rush that changed the destiny of Alaska. 不过 ,淘金热给阿拉斯加的命运带来了转机。
- In the Yukon during the Gold Rush, mongrel teams were the rule. 淘金热时期,在加拿大的育空,杂交的狗队通常是惯用的做法。
- In 1880, Gold was found in Juneau, and then the Gold Rush took place. 1 880年人们在朱诺(Juneau)发现了黄金 ,从而揭开了淘金热的序幕。
- A grain of gold is enough to make prospectors in the gold rush ecstasy. 细小的金粒足以使淘金热衷的淘金者狂喜。
- Chaplin featured in "The Gold Rush." 卓别林主演了《淘金热》这部片子。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。
- When did thousands of miners first come to the Yukon They came during the Gold Rush in the late 1800s. 数以千计的矿工何时开始进入玉干区1800年代末期淘金热的时候。
- In a word, the Gold Rush kindled the flame of the modern civilization in Alaska. 总之 ,淘金热点燃了阿拉斯加现代文明的火种。
- The Gold Rush was the most significant reason of the emergence of Cities in Alaska. 淘金热是阿拉斯加 (Alaska)城市兴起的最主要的原因。
- There is nothing left of the town today, except an old boiler and the tram line, the remnants of the gold rush. 如今除了一个陈旧的锅炉和一条矿车轨道这些淘金热时的遗物,曾经的小镇空空如也。
- Charlie Chaplin, English/ American film star, director and producer, died, He starred in The Gold Rush, City Lights, Modern Times, etc. 英国/国影星、演、片人查利·别麟逝世。他主演过的电影包括《淘金记》、城市之光》、摩登时代》等。
- In1848, James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter's Mill in northern California, a discovery that led to the gold rush of'49. 年1月24日,马歇尔于北加州苏特矿场发现金块,引发隔年的淘金热潮。
- Kids will enjoy reading about many events and places, from Colonial Williamsburg to famous battles of the Civil War to the Gold Rush to the Korean War. 专门为9到14岁的孩子写的,从历史大事件如威廉斯堡殖民地、南北战争、掏金热、越战,到大人物如杰弗逊、约瑟夫酋长到社会改革家苏珊安东尼的故事,无所不包。
- Central Otago still displays relics of the gold rush, when thousands of people flocked to the region in search of riches. 在中奥塔哥,展现"淘金热"的遗迹依然保存完好。当时,成千上万的人蜂拥而至,寻找财富。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。