- The greatest danger could be your stupidity. 人的愚痴,可能是生命中最危险的事。
- The greatest danger is undercapitalization. 最大的危险是投资不足。
- Perhaps inflexibility is the greatest danger in budget. 也许预算的最大问题是缺乏弹性。
- The greatest danger in life is having an empty mind. 生活最大的危险就是有一个空虚的心灵。
- Ships sailing in coastal water are at the greatest danger. 船舶运行在近海地区受到的危害最大。
- The great danger in the next six months is a take-over by the army. 在今后的六个月里,最大的危险是军队出来接管。
- HITLER: I consider the second bridgehead at Oppenheim as the greatest danger. 希特勒:我认为在奥本海姆的第二桥头堡是最大的危险。
- My father was warned by the villagers that he was in great danger. 老乡们告诉我爸爸,他的处境很危险。
- The hunter incurred great danger in killing the wolf. 猎人打狼时承受着巨大的危险。
- Nobody was willing to apprise the President of the great danger in which the nation stood. 没有人愿意提醒总统关于国家所面临的极大危险。
- The great dangers lie within ourselves. 重大的危险都在我们自己的心里。
- Our country's in great danger; we must mobilize the army. 我们正处于严重危险之中,我们必须把军人动员起来。
- As Chang Kuo-tao's career shows,the greatest danger of such behaviour is that it may develop into factional activity. 因为两面派行为的最大的危险性,在于它可能发展到小组织行动;张国焘的历史就是证据。
- During the first period of a man's life the greatest danger is: not to take the risk. 在一个人生命的初始阶段,最大的危险就是不冒风险。
- The greatest danger in deceiving others is that one will surely end by deceiving one's self. 欺骗别人的最大危险是到头来你肯定会欺骗自己。
- What do you see as the greatest danger to the continuing adoption and progress of open source? 问:如果继续走开源路线,你认为将会面临的最大危险是什么?
- As Chang Kuo-tao's career shows, the greatest danger of such behaviour is that it may develop into factional activity. 因为两面派行为的最大的危险性,在于它可能发展到小组织行动;张国焘的历史就是证据。
- For nations in a deep crisis, the greatest danger is a self-fulfilling prophecy of disaster. 对于身陷重大危机的国家,最大的危险其实是灾难预言的应验。
- The greatest danger in deceiving others is that one will surely end up deceiving one's self. 欺骗他人最大的危险在于最后会连自己的自我都给欺骗了。
- The greatest touchstone of any work is time. 时间是检验一切的最好的试金石。