- We always hear about the haves and the haves-not. 我们总是听到大家说谁有什么,没有什么;
- The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening. 贫富之间的差距在扩大。
- The gap between the have and the have-not is widening. 贫富之间的差距在扩大。
- I never forgot the symbolism of that counter, a divide representing the chasm between the 'haves' and 'have nots,' as money changed hands for goods and services. 我永远也忘不了那个柜台的象征意义。当人们递钱过来交换商品和服务时,柜台就是一个有钱人和穷人的分界线。
- We always hear about the haves and the haves-not. Why don't use hear about the does and the do not? 我们总是听到大家说谁有什么,没有什么;为什么听不到人家谈谈谁尽了力,谁没尽力?
- The other side is a socially responsible teacher who is deeply concerned with this ever-widening gap between the haves and have nots. 另一方面我又是一个怀有社会责任感的教师,深深关注贫富之间日益加深的鸿沟。
- The gulf between the haves and the have-nots appeared to have changed little. 穷富之间的鸿沟看来并没有什么改变。
- The lifestyle between the haves and the have-nots differs a great deal. 中产阶级和穷人的生活方式有很大不同。
- Some have and some have not in today's society. 当今的社会有些人富有而有些人则很贫穷。
- The struggle of the trade unions for more pay was a struggle between the haves and the have-nots. 工会要求增加工资的斗争是一场穷人与富人之间的斗争。
- You could certainly say that when books first came around, they accentuated the gap between the haves and the have-nots. 你可以确定地说当书最初来在附近的时候,他们以重音念了缝隙在那之间有和穷人。
- The disagreement between the employers and the union could nave been settled weeks ago if both sides had not wasted effort quibbling about pennies. 如果工会与雇主之间不为一些微不足道的小事而费力争吵,双方间的分歧早在几星期之前就解决了。
- MThere are only two families in the world, as a grandmother of mine used to say, the haves and the have-nots. 正如我的一位祖母说过的那样,这个世界上只有两家人:那就是富人和穷人。西班牙小说家塞万提斯。
- This was seen as the best possible compromise between the haves and the have-nots. 这被看成是在对无油田的人最有可能达成的妥协。
- And the autumn rain has not dripped falling yet. 秋雨还未滴落。
- Cell phones technology is narrowing the gap between the haves and the have-nots. 手机科技正逐渐消减科技拥有者和非拥有者间的鸿沟。
- Developing sharp differences between the haves and the have-nots generates the basis for world revolution. 有产者和无产者之间的巨大差距是世界革/命的产生的基础。
- This means the gap between the (h) have not haves and the have-nots will grow even larger than it already has. 这意味着,发达国家和贫穷国家之间的差距将会比现在更大。
- Government is determining the “haves” and “have-nots. 政府最终决定给钱或者不给。
- One reason behind the increase in suicides may be a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots in South Korea, with poorer citizens more likely to kill themselves than the affluent, according to government data. 据有关数据显示,韩国自杀率增长的原因之一可能是不断扩大的贫富差距,较穷的人自杀的可能性要高于较富裕的人。