- The referee awarded a penalty to the home team. 裁判判给主队罚对方任意球。
- The home team lost to the visitors2 to3. 主队以二比三败于客队。
- The home team and the visitors tied. 地主队和客队赛成平局。
- The home team had the game all but sewed up. 这场比赛主队稳赢的。
- The man who captained the home team is my brother. 率领主队的是我的兄弟。
- The referee was accused of being partial (towards the home team). 裁判受指责(对本地队)偏心。
- A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two-yard line. 主队在球门线前的坚强防御使客队无法在两码之内使球触地得分。
- The home team rack up fifty points in the football game. 主队在那次足球赛中得到五十分。
- The crowd was at fever pitch when the home team scored a goal. 当主队踢进一球时,观众群情激昂。
- The home team really blitzed the visiting team. 主队大败客队。
- It's even money that the home team will win. 主队输赢机会参半。
- The home team thrashed the visiting team. 地主队打败了客队。
- The home team have the game all but sew up. 这场比赛主队稳赢的。
- The home team cruised to victory. 主队轻松取胜。
- They have been beaten by the home team. 他们队输给了主队。
- The referee just called a penalty on the home team. 裁判判罚主场的球队。
- The home team hasn't yet to score. 主队还没有得分。
- The home team racked up fifty points in the football game. 主队在那次足球赛中得到五十分。
- The home team was in possession during most of the fourth quarter. 在第四季的绝大部分时间主队一直处于进攻状态
- The home team paid for their defensive error. 主队因防守错误而吃苦头。