- Liberty is the most essential of the human rights. 人权最基本的权利之一是自由权。
- The Human right Group says women face oppression and human right abuses. 人权组织声称妇女面临着压抑和人权践踏。
- I clame Abortion is illegal. Everyone has the HUMAN RIGHT from embryo creation. 点评了译文你的观点:堕胎应该合法化吗?
- We are moving towards an epoch whose main melody is to respect and protect the human right . 我们所处的时代是一个走向权利的时代,尊重和保护人权成了时代的主旋律。
- We always emphasize human right, this time we emphasize the humanity. 我们一直强调人权,这一次我们强调人性。
- Amnesty International often plays the human rights card. 国际特赦组织常常打出"人权"这张牌。
- Do you see Canada as a peace keeper or as a nation that is illustrating democracy as a means to champion the human right charter%3F Discuss. 你见到加拿大吗当一个和平管理人或者当正在举例说明作为一个方法的民主政治保卫人权特许状的一个国家%253F讨论。
- The liberalistic human right outlook advocate to achieve the human right through making the Cosmopolitanism and the decent Society. 摘要自由主义的人权观主张,在全球层面上,超越民族国家的界限,通过打造所谓正当性社会来实现世界公民的权利。
- China has always been a cosponsor country of the Human Rights Commission's resolution on the right to development. 中国一直是人权委员会关于发展权问题决议的共同提案国。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- Safeguard human rights and steadily improve the human rights situation. 维护人权和不断改善人权状况。
- The criminal law's social function show significance of criminal law social value,namely,the unification of the social protection and the human right safeguarding function. 刑法的社会机能更凸现刑法的社会价值意义,即社会保护机能与人权保障机能的统一。
- That is why Kant's philosophy has persistent power in promoting the human right notion and practice of Europe and even all the world and why it has persistent influen... 这是康德哲学之所以在推动欧洲乃至全世界的人权观念与人权实践的深化具有持久力量的原因所在,当然也是它对近现代政治学说具有持久影响的原因所在。
- China takes an active part in UN activities in the human rights field. 中国积极参加联合国人权领域的活动。
- This picture is a closeness of the human eye. 这张照片是人眼的特写。
- The human being struggles with his environment. 人类和环境竞争。
- The human rights group says the women face oppression and human rights abuses. 这个人权组织称这些妇女面临压迫和人权的侮辱。
- "Our decision to join the Human Rights Council was not entered into lightly. “我们要加入人权理事会的决定并不是简单的加入。
- The human rights of prisoners' correspondence and meeting is a kind of limited right, which is different from the freedom of common citizenship. 在押犯的通信、会见等人权是一种受到限制的权利,不能与普通公民权的自由度相提并论。
- Public health facilities are a necessary guarantee for the human rights of life and health. 卫生事业是保障人的生命健康权的必要条件。