- Fox-fairies are the images of women. 狐女成了作家笔下的女性形象代表。
- This play is the image of contemporary urban life. 这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。
- Living in a sex-saturated society we are used to seeing the image of women cheapened. 在一个色情泛滥的社会里,倍受糟蹋的女性形象已让我们熟视无睹。
- The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages. 那孩子已死去多时,我对其面容仍记忆犹新。
- The fashional women bear the important responsibility to rebuild the image of women. 摘要文章通过分析明确了时尚类女性节目负担着重新建构新女性形象的重任。
- Nietzsche also said: "The men created for themselves the image of women, and women were imitating the image created their own. 尼采也说:“男性为自己创造了女性的形象,而女性则模仿了这个形象创造了自己。
- Since ancient times, Chinese women have undertaken heavy jobs in silkworm rearing and silk weaving. The legendary silkworm goddess refers to the incarnation of the image of woman. 自古以来,妇女在蚕织劳动中担负着艰巨的工作,而传说中的蚕神,也往往是妇女形象的化身。
- So the feminine self-awareness was highlighted in their creations, which molded the image of rebellious females and recited the adversity of women in affliction. 另一方面 ,知识女性藉此可以传达自己的情感和思想 ,因而在她们创作的弹词中 ,或塑造叛逆女性形象 ,或表现不幸女子的遭遇 ,凸显着鲜明的女性自我意识
- In the eyes of men, the image of women and that of mother is splintered.But the object of desire of maternity and feminine of men can be in the same person. 在男人的眼里,女人和母亲的形象是割裂的,但是男人对女性和母性的欲望的客体可以是同一人。
- Doping, however, tarnished the image of GDR sport. 然而,前民主德国的形象被禁药物玷污了。
- The image of women on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits as seen on TV is between truth and fantasy, reflecting to some extent the imaginings of the mass audience. 从电视媒体看两岸女性,在真实与虚幻之间,多少呈现了芸芸大众的一番想像。
- That child is the image of good health. 那个小孩就是健康的化身
- The placid lake reflected the image of the trees. 那平静的湖面上映着树的影像。
- He saw the image of his face in the mirror. 他在镜子里看到了他的脸。
- They knelt before the image of the Buddha. 他们跪拜在佛像面前。
- The girl is the image of her mother. 这姑娘跟她妈妈一个模样。
- You are created in the image of God. 世你是按神的形象造的。
- He is the image of someone I used to know. 他活像我从前认识的一个人。
- The image of my father often appears in my mind. 我父亲的形象常在我脑海中出现。
- My husband is the image of his brother. 我丈夫酷似他哥哥。