- The newspaper doubt the impartiality of the judge. 报界怀疑法官的公正性。
- People in the city held the impartial judge in high regard. 这个城市的人们都很尊敬这位公正的法官。
- The harmony society need the impartiality as the basis of morality. 摘要和谐社会需要以公正作为道德基础。
- The impartiality of the Secretary-General is one of the UN's most important assets. 秘书长的公正性是联合国最宝贵的财产之一。
- Things that have an impact on the impartiality of ruling have been discovered concealed by the opposite party. (五)对方当事人隐瞒了足以影响公正裁决的证据的;
- This principle is fair and reasonable in protecting the rights and interests of the investors and in maintaining the impartiality of the stock market. 证券法上的民事责任制度首先要具体明确,这是有效实施民事责任制度的先决条件。
- Personnel who has an interest in the party concerned, which may affect the impartiality of the appraisement, shall withdraw. 凡与当事人有利害关系,可能影响公正鉴定的人员,应当回避。
- The Court held that the board members' possible pecuniary interest in excluding competitors was sufficient to render the impartiality of the board constitutionally suspect. 最高法院裁决,该委员会成员在排斥竞争者中的可能的金钱利益足以让人从宪法上怀疑委员会的公正无私。
- Economics should be representative of the impartiality and integrity and equal promotion of all people, including the well-being of the most vulnerable populations. 经济学说应该代表公正和诚信,平等地促进所有人,包括最弱势人群的福祉。
- By analyzing the factors that influence the impartiality and considering the recent related methods,it gives some advice to improve ADR for medical disputes. 对影响该方式的因素进行分析,思考现有的ADR相关方式,希望能对我国医疗纠纷解决有所启示。
- The impartiality is always the focus of administrating personnel and administrated persons, which regulates the relationship between both sides like a lever. 公平问题一直是管理者与被管理者关注的焦点,它像杠杆一样调节着管理者与被管理者之间的关系。
- Through the adjudicative document, the judge not only manifests the legality of the judgment to the parties, also manifests the impartiality of jurisdiction to the society. 通过裁判文书,法官不仅向当事人表明判决的合法性,而且也向社会证明司法的公正性。
- Truth is the horror facer, the impartial observer. 真理是面对恐慌者,公正的观察者。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- If, at any stage during the administrative proceeding, new circumstances arise that could give rise to justifiable doubt as to the impartiality or independence of the Panelist, that Panelist shall promptly disclose such circumstances to the Provider. 如果在行政诉讼过程中的任何阶段发生新的情况,对陪审员公正性和独立性产生合理质疑的情况下,该陪审员应该立即向服务提供方揭示这样的情况。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- If,at any stage during the administrative proceeding,new circumstances arise that could give rise to justifiable doubt as to the impartiality or independence of the Panelist,that Panelist shall promptly disclose such circumstances to the Provider. 如果在行政诉讼过程中的任何阶段发生新的情况,对陪审员公正性和独立性产生合理质疑的情况下,该陪审员应该立即向服务提供方揭示这样的情况。