- Figure 5 depicts the Industrialization Process as it relates to the FPLC and the PDP. 图表5描述了产业化流程以及其与FPLC和PDP的相关性。
- The organization had continually opposed any change and had had little understanding of the industrialization process up to that time. 这个组织直到那时仍持续反对任何变革,对工业化进程几乎一无所知。
- Along with the industrialization process the high-speed urbanization appeared in Germany, and the urbanite became the main part of the population. 摘要伴随着工业化,德国出现了高速城市化,城市居民成为国家主体居民。
- Oppositely, a well agriculture technique extension system will accelerate the industrialization process of agriculture technologies. 没有完善的农业技术推广模式,就不会有农业生产的较快发展,农业科技进步也就难以实现。
- This paper reported the industrialized process of canned pork and taro(lipo)and determined the technological parameter. 研究了荔浦芋扣肉罐头工业化生产的加工工艺,确定了加工参数。
- The industrial process control technology is just under the shift from DCS to FCS,and the latter will surely replace the former. 在工业过程控制技术上,从分布式控制系统(DCS)走向现场总线控制系统(FCS)是已经在进行并必将由后者取代前者的过程。
- Recycling reverse extraction of alkaloids is an important unit operation in the industrial process of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook f treatment. 今用紫外分光光度法分析总生物碱的含量,测定了雷公藤动态循环提取过程中总生物碱浓度和提取时间的关系。
- In order to evaluate, optimize and monitor the industrial process more effectively, missing data usually needs to be reconstructed. 为了更好的对工业过程进行分析评估、优化及监控,往往需要重构遗失的数据。
- The industrial process is carried out on a huge scale in an fractionating column.The hot mixture of liquid and vapor is led into the colum. 把原油中的混合烃分离为各个单一组分是无益的,或者是不必要的。
- OBJECTIVE:Improve the synthetic method of diphenoxylate hydrochloride,which was more suitable for the industrial process. 目的:改进苯乙哌啶的合成方法,使之更适合工业化生产。
- He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry. 他想扩充自己在这一行业的知识。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。
- In this paper, it had been discussed to improve on the industrial process for synthesis of 2,3,5 -trimethylpyrazine by using 2,3 - butane - dione and 1,2-propanediamine. 本文讨论以丁二酮、1,2-丙二胺为原料,合成2,3,5-三甲基吡嗪生产工艺条件的改进,重点讨论溶剂、萃取剂的改变对其产率的影响。
- The rising and development of industrial control configuration software has inaugurated a new world for the industrial process control and Industrial automation. 工控组态软件的兴起与发展为工业过程控制、工业自动化开辟了一片新天地。
- The technological process for production of imidacloprid,and the technological control point and product quality in the industrial process were discussed in detail. 详细论述了吡虫啉原药生产的工艺流程,并对工业生产中主要工艺控制点和产品质量进行了讨论。
- The industry was still in its infancy. 这一产业当时仍处于发展初期。
- Working conditions in the industry have improved greatly. 这一行业的工作环境已有很大改善。
- He's well up in all the latest developments in the industry. 他很熟悉这个行业中所有的最新情况。
- Reporting tools could retrieve useful information from vast quantities of data and present it before administrator or operator vividly and correctly, which contributes to the management, and standardization of the industrial process. 报表可从海量的数据中提取有用的信息,清晰直观地呈现给管理人员或操作人员,以协助进行日常管理工作,规范生产活动。
- If the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive. 该制造业若不现代化就不能继续存在。