- Is walking out of the ivory tower. 就是走出象牙塔。
- But the walls of the ivory tower remain formidable. 但突破象牙塔的壁垒依然艰巨。
- He lived in the ivory tower of speculation. 他进行了一种与世隔绝的思考。
- The professor lived in the ivory tower. 这个教授生活在象牙塔中。
- The professor is shut up in the ivory tower all the time. 教授整天在象牙塔里呆着。
- The professor be shut up in the ivory tower all the time . 教授整天在象牙塔里呆着。
- Not because the ivory tower, to say I love living in the past. 不要因为在象牙塔中,才说出我爱生活的话。
- The Magician of the Ivory Tower brought his latest invention for the master programmer to examine. 象牙塔里的魔术师带来了他最新的发明,要让编程大师检验一下。
- His interests ranging from pre-Ch'in to contemporary Chinese literature, Malmqvist is not confined to the ivory tower. 从先秦文学到现代中国文学,马悦然不自束于象牙塔内。
- I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. 我教书,是因为我喜欢想方设法使自己和我的学生从象牙塔里走出来,步入现实世界。
- The Ivory Tower is the crowning achievement of our civilization! Research done here will benefit future generations! Magic is the way of the future! 能够称为魔法以及这时代文明金字塔的象牙塔。在那里,为了更美好的未来,今天也在找寻研究用的材料。来,为魔法的发展,鞠躬尽瘁吧!
- Indeed, this is the case in higher education but also can experience camp life, in that distinctive feel of life inside the ivory tower. 的确是这样,在接受高等教育的同时还可以体验军营生活,在这象牙塔里面感受到与众不同的生活。
- The professor lived in an ivory tower. 这个教授生活在象牙塔中。
- Whether you live in the Dilbert Cube, the Ivory Tower, the public sector, or are out there on your own somewhere, there are lots of ways to be remarkable. 不论你生活在。。中、在象牙塔中、公有部门,或者一个人在某个地方,非同凡响的方法很多。
- Shichiku Lin visited the activity so that those of us who have been in the ivory tower "students who" work for the software engineers have a more profound understanding. 这次的紫竹林参观活动使我们这些一直幽居在象牙塔里的“莘莘学子们”对于软件工程师的工作有了更加深刻的了解。
- Evangelicals have been purged from the ivory tower more thoroughly than any other religious group (and have often made up for the fact by denigrating the life of the mind). 过去,象牙塔比别的宗教组织都排斥福音派;可如今,福音派也开始向那里进军了。近几年来,福音派大学一直在不断扩招。
- It's about leaving the ivory tower and immersing oneself in the field, talking to, consulting with, and assisting practitioners, and liaisoning with their communities. 要大胆走出象牙塔,专注本领域学习,与本领域的实践者交谈,向他们讨教或向他们提供帮助,并与他们所处的圈子保持联系。
- Yes ah, ah never be nice graduation, always living in the ivory tower, so would not have faced so many things, so will be able to live a carefree forever. 是啊,永远不毕业该多好啊,永远生活在象牙塔里,那样就不会面对那么多的事,那样就能够永远无忧无虑的活下去了。
- Ancient Scroll 1 A special scroll used to unlock the magic of certain weapons and armor from Forgotten Island.Only Detector in the Ivory Tower can use this scroll to unseal the magic. 古代卷轴1一种用来解开从遗忘岛上获得的武器或防具的魔法封印的特殊卷轴,只有象牙塔内的魔法师才可以使用它们来解除封印。
- His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet. 他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。