- the juggernaut of history 势不可挡的历史潮流
- The Juggernaut of war. 迷信战事而使人牺牲一切
- This is a time when an old world is being swept away at a tremendous rate by the juggernaut of the industrial age. 这个时期是古老世界极速的被恐怖的工业革命年代所扫除。
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
- The people are the makers of history. 人民是历史的创造者。
- The Juggernaut of dollar-making has crushed out of them every capacity for genuine enjoyment, every unselfish sentiment and instinct. 对赚钱的盲目崇拜已经使他们丧失了享受真正快乐的能力、所有无私的情操和本能。
- Nobody can roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能够倒转历史的车轮。
- The pages of history are inscribed with their names. 历史的记载写上了他们的名字。
- At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns. 无论在哪一个历史时期,感到生活是一种煎熬的总是失业者。
- Nobody can turn back the wheel of history. 任何人都无法使历史车轮倒转。
- His knowledge of history exceeds mine. 他的历史知识超过我。
- Which period of history are you studying? 你正在学哪一段历史?
- Wars have influenced the course of history. 战争影响了历史的进程。
- One has to accept the inevitable course of history. 人们必须承认不可避免的历史进程。
- The very walls of the old city are full of history. 就是这座古城的城墙也饱经历史风霜。
- The wheel of history can not be turned back. 历史的车轮决不会倒转。
- The shipwrecks span nearly a century of history. 这些遗迹已有近百年历史。
- Homer lived in the twilight of history. 荷马生于历史上遥远的时代。
- His brother-in-law is a lecturer of history. 他的姊夫是大学历史讲师。
- She stamped her name on the page of history. 她青史留名。