- the jurists or lawyers 法律人
- Of or relating to a jurist or to jurisprudence. (有关)法学家的,(有关)法学的
- Consider to whether need to seek adviser or lawyer help again. 再考虑是否需要找顾问或律师协助。
- In this respect or many others, they are similar to doctors or lawyers. 在这方面和许多其它方面,他们与医生和律师很相似。
- He hung out his own shingle(= started a business as a doctor or lawyer). 他独自挂牌开业了。
- Talk it over with your spouse, a knowledgeable friend, an accountant or lawyer. 与你的配偶、知识渊博的朋友、会计、或律师讨论一下。
- The jurist entirely lost sight of the personal conditions of the accused, and the social conditions of the community. 法官完全忽略了被告人的具体情况和其社区的社会环境。
- The foreigners in their 30s through 50s who come to Shanghai are often financiers, consultants, or lawyers. 到上海来的30-50岁的外国人,通常是金融家、顾问、或律师。
- Public accountants who are similar to doctors or lawyers can offer their accounting service to the public on a fee basis. 公共会计师是像律师、医生那样,按规定收费标准为公众提供各种会计服务。
- This evidence is a signed statement from whoever is paying for it, and confirmation from a bank or lawyer. 这个证据便是与那位将支付费用的人签署的声明,还有银行和律师的证明。
- But since Mr.Musharraf resigned, they have been at an impasse, with the PPP reluctant to reinstate the jurists. 但穆沙拉夫辞职后,双方一直处于僵局状况,人民党不愿恢复这些法官的职务。
- This could be your agent, broker, headhunter, or lawyer, for example, or even your spouse if your mate runs interference for you. 这可能是你的经纪人,经纪公司,猎头公司,或者律师,举例来说,甚至你的配偶如果你的伴侣背道而驰干扰,为你。
- The jurist entirely lose sight of the personal condition of the accused,and the social condition of the community. 法官完全忽略了被告人的具体情况和其社区的社会环境。
- The judge met the two lawyers in his chambers. 法官在他的办公室里会见了两位律师。
- And yet the most elementary comparative jurisprudence should show the jurist what this free consent really amounts to. 但是,把各国的法制做一个最简单的比较,也会向法学家们表明,这种自愿究竟是怎么一回事。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- The jurist entirely lose sight of the personal condition of the accused, and the social condition of the community. 法官完全忽略了被告人的具体情况和其社区的社会环境。
- She is easily the best lawyer in the city. 她无疑是本市最好的律师。
- Generally speaking, the jurists of Islam, based on an authentic hadith of the Prophet, agree that a Muslim's supererogatory prayer is best performed at home. 一般而言,基于可信的圣训,伊斯兰法理学家赞同:穆斯林的副功拜在家里完成是最好的。
- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。