- December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最后一个月份。
- The baby has put on one kilogram during the last month. 在过去一个月里婴儿体重增添了两斤。
- His work has deteriorated in the last month. 他的工作在最后一个月变糟了。
- December is the last month of a year. 十二月是一年中最后的月份。
- The baby has put on two in during the last month. 在过去的一个月里婴儿的体重增加了两斤。
- Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month. 尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。
- I has put on weight during the last month. 上个月我的体重增加了。
- All of the information is accidentally wiped off the computer so we cannot retrieve our sale figures for the last month. 全部信息被计算机意外的抹掉了,所以我们无法得到上个月的销售数字。
- December is the last month in the year. 十二月是一年中最后一个月。
- In the last month, we haven't had any rain. 上个月没有下一点雨。
- Over economic policy for the last month. 过去一个月中,他们一直在努力解决有关经济政策的争议。
- The baby has put back two jin during the last month. 上月那婴儿重又长了2斤。
- Have you paid the electricity bill for the last month yet? 你缴了上个月的电费了吗?
- That man was Copernicus, and the great book setting down his thoughts was printed in1543, in the last months of his life. 那个人就是哥白尼。那部阐述他的思想的伟大著作于1543年,他逝世前几个月发表了。
- He won the game of golf last month. 他上个月赢得了高尔夫球比赛的冠军。
- Have you paid the electricity bill for the last month ? 你缴了上个月的电费了吗?
- Have you paid the electricity bill for the last month yet ? 你缴了上个月的电费了吗?
- The Rocket has been busy playing as guest for the last month. 客场作战的火箭队在刚过去的一个月里一直在忙于比赛。
- He joined up in the last months of the war. 在战争最后几个月他参了军。
- The bill was put into effect last month. 那法规於上个月生效。