- He didn't take the last round of budget cuts well. 他没有做好最后一轮的预算削减。
- Health-wise, I'm slowly bouncing back from the last round of chemo. 健康方面,我慢慢从上一轮的化疗中恢复过来。
- Henan team with the last round of fighting, Du Zhenyu a sprained left ankle joint lateral ligament, the half-way off. 上轮与河南队激战中,杜震宇扭伤了左脚踝关节外侧韧带,中途下场。
- The last round of league 1-0 victory over bottom of the Volendam is obviously not an ideal result. 而上轮联赛1-0小胜垫底的沃伦丹显然也不是一个理想的结果。
- The last round of League Cup, Joe - Kohl does not get the opportunity to play, continue to rest this weekend. 上轮联赛杯的比赛,乔-科尔没有获得出场机会,本周末将继续休息。
- Lorenzo had a somewhat disappointing race at the last round of the World Championship, struggling with grip at Brno. 上周末洛伦佐的比赛可有点令人失望,米胖在布尔诺显然缺乏抓地力。
- Compared with the last round of matches, Juanito, Harvey.Alonso and Torres rotation Albi Orr, Issa into the Seine and the ancient starting line-up. 与上轮比赛相比,华尼托,哈维.;阿隆索和托雷斯轮换阿尔比奥尔,塞纳和古伊萨进入首发阵容。
- Rafa Benitez's side blitzed Real Madrid in the last round of the tournament, running out emphatic 5-0 aggregate winners. 莱恩-巴贝尔已经提醒利物浦球员今晚冠军杯首回合交锋他们不得不耐心看待利物浦与切尔西的比赛。
- In the last round of the Spanish city derby match, Brazil forward Nene red end, this war must be suspended, striker Tamudo injury. 西班牙人上轮在同城德比不敌,巴西前锋内内红牌下场,此战须停赛,前锋塔穆多伤愈复出。
- Brazilians in the last round of the Emirates to allow long-range experience of countless Wenger express amazement at its described as "life-long goal. 巴西人上轮在酋长的远射让阅历无数的温格也啧啧称奇,将其形容为“一生的进球”。
- The last round of rehearsal for the massive National Day celebrations in Tian'anmen Square concluded early Saturday morning. 天安门广场大型国庆庆祝活动最后一轮彩排已于星期六早晨结束。
- Middlesbrough beat away the last round of Xibu Lang, ranking rose to 12th, while Fulham lost to West Ham at home, League 2-game losing streak. 埃弗顿上轮德比输给利物浦,6战积7分暂列第14,纽卡素则已经在联赛4连败暂列尾二。
- The last round of his home in Zhejiang Province, Milian is on Luneng in the first half of the outbreak of the second half but they almost beat Zhejiang Crimping. 上轮主场拿下浙江,鲁能靠的是米利安在上半场的爆发,但下半场他们几乎被浙江压着打。
- The most recent in a goal from the last round of the competition with Serbia, at the time of the substitute Zema A Neier out of the game locked into a ball. 最近的一粒进球来自于上轮同塞尔维亚的比赛中,当时替补本泽马出场的阿内尔打进锁定胜局的一球。
- The last round is the mathematics. 最后一轮是数学。
- The last round of matches, Asia and Thailand's Yan Feng also received a yellow card, this season he has accumulated four yellow cards, will certainly miss the match with Tarzan. 上轮比赛中,亚泰队的闫峰还领到一张黄牌,他本赛季已累积到四张黄牌,肯定无缘与泰山队的比赛。
- Whatever, the fact is that, over the last round of fixtures, Manchester United only narrowly beat Middlesbrough, who had a chance to equalise in the last seconds. 至于利物浦,我有在电视上看见一些他们作客纽卡斯尔的片段。
- They were still neck and neck in the last round. 他们在最后一回合还是并驾齐驱。
- Shuai was the last round of melon arrangements captain Puyol and the rest of the young to return to pick from a new starting line-up, in the front, Henry has also won the first. 上轮被瓜帅安排轮休的队长普约尔和小将皮克从新回到首发阵容中,在锋线上,亨利也是终于获得了首发的机会。
- Because of the limitation of technical means,many problems exist in the last round of general land use planning in terms of the basic farmland delimitation. 由于技术手段的限制,上轮土地利用总体规划在基本农田的划定工作中存在诸多问题。