- A plane crash was the last thing that we had expected. 我们绝对没有想到飞机会出事。
- That was the last thing I thought I could do. 我认为那是我最不可能做的事。
- Woman will be the last thing civilized by man. 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的东西。
- The last thing I needed was to fail the exam! 我最不想要的就是考试不及格了!
- It is the last thing I will not expect. 我万万没料到会是这样。
- This setback was the last thing he had expected. 这又是他万万料不到的打击!
- The last thing I wanted was to upset you. 我最不希望做的事就是惹你不高兴。
- For the last thing today we'll have a quiz. 今天最后的内容是进行一次小测验。
- Romantic is the last thing I am. 我是最不浪漫的人。
- That is the last thing I want to do. 我才不愿那样做呢.
- That's the last thing I should do. 那样的事我是决不会干的。
- The last thing I wanted to do was teach. 我最不想做的事就是教书了。
- The last thing on his mind was Wilt Chamberlain. 最近他的心里想着的是张伯伦。
- The last thing we need is some apple juice. 我们需要的最后一样东西是苹果汁。
- The last thing we need is for the Invid spot us. 我们需要的最后一件事是避免被因维德人发现。
- I'll get this sorted if it's the last thing I do! 无论怎样我都会把这事解决好!
- A sick headache is the last thing anyone would like to have. 谁也不想有偏头痛。
- It was the last thing I'd expected to happen. 我压根儿就没料到会发生这件事。
- That's the last thing I should expect her to do. 那是她最不可能干的事。
- The last thing she wrote sums up all the others. 她的最后一笔是对丈夫所有优点的概括。