- This patterned method of painting correlates to the individualistic modes that were common in the late Ming dynasty. 图案化的笔墨形式,与晚明变形主义颇有契合之处。
- Wuchang, Hankou and one from the late Ming Dynasty were on a considerable scale into the city. 其中汉口和武昌从明朝后期起就分别发展成相当规模的城市。
- Huaben stories prospered in the late Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty but declined afterwards. 摘要文人话本在明代天启、崇祯和清代顺治大约四十年间出现繁荣局面,到清代康熙年间已经衰微。
- Yu Shenxing was a famous statesman and writer, historian in the late Ming Dynasty. 摘要于慎行是明代后期著名的政治家和文学家、史学家。
- Luo Jinxi was a famous thinker of the late Ming Dynasty in China.He was the main representative of Taizhou school. 罗近溪是我国中晚明时期著名思想家,阳明后学泰州学派的主要代表人。
- "About half of the Chinaware was produced in Zhangzhou in the late Ming Dynasty," said Christie's spokesperson Julie King. 克里斯蒂拍卖行发言人Julie king说:“大约一半瓷器产自明朝末年的漳州,
- Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren Xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty. 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶,
- Content: Literature was flouring in several areas from the middle Ming Dynasty to the late Ming Dynasty, especially in the Wuzhong area. 内容:明中晚期地域文学较为发达,其中吴中文学尤为兴盛。
- Ancient Chinese penholder is in addition to pens, ink, paper, Yan outside the most important text of the appliances, some in the late Ming Dynasty. 笔筒是中国古代除笔、墨、纸、砚以外最重要的文房用具,大约出现在明朝中晚期。
- The late Ming Dynasty was a declining period ofthefeudalsystem in China when the commercial economy boomed together with the new city citizens. 晚明时期是我国封建社会走下坡路的时期,这一时期,商业经济得到迅速发展,新兴市民阶层崛起。
- In the late Ming Dynasty ,the Jesuits played a "bridge" or medium role in the culture intercourse between China and the West. 耶稣会士在晚明中西文化交流中扮演着“桥梁”和“媒介”的作用。
- The production relationship in Gejiu evolved from the partnership in the late Ming Dynasty to the employer-employee relations afterwards. 而个旧锡矿生产关系也从明末的合伙制最终发展为阶层分明的雇佣关系。
- Beautiful environment here, when the famous Ming Dynasty jade-hee Palace, the late Ming and the other at the Royal Hospital. 这里环境幽美,明代时是著名的玉熙宫,明末时是皇家的别院。
- This thesis is a treatise on the cursive hand of Wang Duo, the calligrapher in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. 本文是研究明末清初书法家王铎的草书的一篇专题性论文。
- During the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, there were three brothers whose family name were Wei in Ningdu of Jiangxi province. 摘要明末清初的“宁都三魏”是以魏禧为首的宁都魏氏三兄弟。游历是他们的重要活动之一。
- Biographical works in the late Ming dynasty (1368-1644) were heralding the rise of modem biography in terms of the content and the selection of biographees. 摘要晚明人物小传在表现内容以及传主选择两个方面已表现出现代传记的萌芽迹象。
- It is the garden-building popularity in the late Ming Dynasty, the region and his family environment that cultivated Zhang Dai's deep attainments in horiculture. 摘要晚明江南士人的造园风气和地城、家庭环境培养了张岱深厚的园林艺术造诣。
- It was in three aspects that elegant ethereal temperaments and the images of famous prostitutes in the late Ming dynasty manifest: artistic beauty in attire style, concinnity in dwelling environment, and the ethereality in behavior manner. 晚明名妓清丽脱俗的气质与形象体现在三个方面:衣着风貌的艺术美,居住环境的雅致美,行为举止的脱俗美。
- From the late Ming Dynasty to the period of the Republic of China, tin mining industry in Gejiu was mainly owned by private businesses and the production relations changed constantly. 摘要从明末至民国,个旧锡矿开采主要是以私营企业为主,其生产关系始终处于不断的发展演变之中。
- The political struggle of the late Ming dynasty is considered to be the fiercest and complicated one in the Ming dynasty, of which the most important character is its distinctive regional feature. 摘要明代晚期是整个明代政治斗争最为激烈的一个阶段,浙党、魏忠贤阉党、东林、复社,彼此之间的政治党争呈现错综复杂的形势。其中,鲜明的地域性派别成为晚明党争的一个重要特征。