- The leak of information was officially inspired. 这一情报的泄漏是官方授意的。
- He pressed a sack of sand on the leak of the boat. 他把一袋沙子压住船的漏水处。
- The leak of Liquid Rocket Engine (LRE) is very common and dangerous. 液体火箭发动机的泄漏是常见和极其危险的故障。
- He stanched the leak of the boat with a piece of cloth. 他用一块布堵住了船上的漏洞。
- As a result of the leak to the press, heads will roll in White hall. 由于消息泄露给了新闻界,白厅有一些人将丢饭碗。
- I expect that the headmaster will want to inquire into the leak of the examination questions. 我估计校长将去调查泄露考试题的问题。
- We to ed the leak i the ga ipe y mea of lead. 我们用铅堵塞了煤气管上的漏洞。
- The investigation into the leak of a CIA operative's identity may be nearing an end. 对泄露中情局特工身份的调查工作快接近尾声了。
- Used in #5 boiler in Hebei Xingtai power plant and succeed in inspecting the leak of the superheater . 在河北兴泰发电有限责任公司%235锅炉安装了检测系统,并应用其成功地检测到了过热器泄漏。
- The devolatilization process with chlorination liquid of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride as raw material by the atomization technology was studied,and good results were obtained. 以过氯乙烯氯化液为原料,研究了氯化液喷雾脱挥工艺,取得了良好的效果。
- The White House insists the postponement wasn't related to the leak of the memo and that the2 leaders plan to have a robust meeting Thursday. 白宫强调会议的推迟与该备忘录的泄露无关,并强调2个领导人计划周四进行圆满的会晤。
- That Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby, was later convicted of obstructing the investigation into the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity. 白宫副总统办公室主任利比后来被法庭裁决在调查中央情报局特工普莱姆女士的案件中犯有妨碍司法罪。
- Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan says he doesn't know if any crimes were committed in efforts to cover up the leak of CIA operative's name. 前白宫新闻秘书长斯科特麦柯莱伦称,他不知道政府是否以非法行为来掩盖中情局特工名字的外泄事件。
- Why does the tap water contain a smell of chlorine? 为何送到家里的食水有轻微的氯气味道?
- The report of accident board of inquiry points out, vulcain-2 advocate the leak of circulatory system of class engine refrigeration caused this accident. 事故调查委员会的报告指出,Vulcain-2主级发动机冷却循环系统的泄漏导致了这次事故。
- The key problem with the Rockfill dam with concrete is the deformation of the dam andthe damage of the gap and fracture of the plate as following, and causing the leak of the dam. 面板堆石坝的主要问题是坝体变形以及随之而来的接缝损坏和面板断裂,而导致的渗漏。
- As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag. 作为权宜之计,他用塑料袋把漏洞给包上了。
- The leaking of a gas pipe can easily cause an explosion. 煤气管道的漏泄,极易引起爆炸。
- A compound that consists of chlorine and halocarbon. 氯烃由氯和卤烃组成的一种化合物
- He hoped that repairs would stop the leak for good. 我希望这次修了管道之后将永远不漏。