- the lingo of medical men 医务人员的术语
- Spoke to me in the lingo of fundamentalism. 用原教旨主义的行话与我交谈
- There is always an aura of mystery to the conclaves of medical men. 医学界人士的秘密会议总有一种神秘的气氛。
- Frank O. Gehry I think he had trouble, because he was a mystic; and he wouldn't be able to talk the lingo of the business. 我认为他遇到困苦,因为他是一个神秘主义者,而且他不能用这个商业世界的行话说话。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- The miraculous effect of medical herbs has raised some conservative eyebrows. 草药的奇效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目结舌。
- Spoke to me in the lingo of fundamentalism 用原教旨主义的行话与我交谈
- The demand for medical men is urgent right now. 当前迫切需要医务人员。
- The opinions of medical men were irrelevant now, everything was irrelevant now. The Don must be told and he must either take command or order Hagen to surrender the Corleone power to the Five Families. 必须让老头子知道这个消息,他必须亲自挂帅去应战,要么命令黑根向五大家族投降,把考利昂家族的大权拱手交给他们。
- Economics is easy after you learn the lingo. 在学了专门术语后经济学就简单了。
- The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on. 医学知识的新领域正随着时间向前推进。
- spoke to me in the lingo of fundamentalism.See Synonyms at dialect 用原教旨主义的行话与我交谈参见
- The days and nights were a blur of medical reports. 日日夜夜都是治疗报告。
- Some of the lingo and maths was hard to follow, but I got the gist. 有些术语和数学问题难以明白,但是大意我总算听懂了。
- The operation was a miracle of medical world. 这次手术是医学上的惊人成就。
- The art or practice of medical diagnosis. 诊断医学诊断行为或实践。
- We discussed our profession as all medical men do. 我们象所有的医生那样讨论我们的业务。
- How do you like being married to a medical man. 你跟医疗界的人结婚有何感想。
- What kind of medical insurance are you covered by? 你享有那种医疗保险?
- Timely rendition of medical care saved his life. 由于对他进行了及时治疗, 他的性命保住了。