- At the long last he is able to air his views. 他终于能够发表自己的意见了。
- EURO-thane PU14, should be applied over an epoxy priming system to achieve an extremely tough and long lasting system. PU14可以涂装在环氧底漆系统上,达到极其坚韧和持久性。
- HJ-thane PU14, should be applied over an epoxy priming system to achieve an extremely tough and long lasting system. PU14可以涂装在环氧底漆系统上,达到极其坚韧和持久性。
- Valves are produced in a variety of design types and materials. Proper selection is important to ensure the most efficient, cost effective and long lasting system. 阀门的结构和采用材料多种多样。为了确保效率最高,成本最合理,系统使用寿命最长,阀门的正确选型非常重要。
- This ersdicator can clean the long lasting besmirch. 这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。
- The non-greasy formulation is suitable for every day use to provide the long lasting protecton to your hands. 这种非油腻的配方非常适合每天使用以对你的双手提拱长效持久的保护。
- Before I finish my words, let's drink to the long lasting friendship and cooperation between our countries. Cheers! 在我结束讲话之际,我请各位和我一起举杯为我们两国之间持久地友谊和合作,干杯!
- In a macroscopic point of view, the long lasted prosperous business in Venice is based on its centralized social class structure and its many faceted system of government. 威尼斯所具有的一元化的社会阶级结构和多重化的政府体制是其商业长久繁荣的社会基础。 然而,这只是宏观的视野。
- The long lasting beauty and vivid colors of South Africa's calla lilies are the inspiration behind professional beauty brand Callas. 灵感源自南非Callas Lilies(水芋百合),专业美容品牌Callas让女士们拥有持久的秀丽,且有生动的容色。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二广播电台可在长波段收听到。
- Yesterday, Hangzhou said goodbye to the long lasting rainy days, and Scenic Lingfeng is decorated rosily by plum flowers in full blossom. 昨天,杭城告别了连续几天的阴雨天气,灵峰景区被盛开的梅花装点得姹紫嫣红。
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- We welcome more and more world-wide oversea customers to creating the long lasting friendly business parthership and create properous future together! 竭诚欢迎更多的海外客商同公司建立长期、友好的贸易伙伴关系,共谋发展,共同繁荣!
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- He roped up the long sticks as a weapon. 他把长棍用绳子捆在一起当武器用。
- She holds the world record for the long jump. 她保持著跳远世界纪录。
- We were totally shattered after the long journey. 我们经过长途旅行都已精疲力竭。
- The long lasting phosphorescent materials composing of alkaline earth aluminates, which were found in 1990s, are a kind of important energy power and saving energy materials. 90年代发现和发展起来的铝酸盐体系长余辉发光材料是一类重要的新型能源材料和节能材料。
- The long drought famished many people. 久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。
- With a body size about 10 cm, Labidochromis belongs to the class of small-sized Cichlids. The long lasting, bright yellow L. caeruleus is the most famous species. 属于小型的非洲慈鲷,体型多为10公分,最有名的就是以体色艳黄而历久不衰的非洲王子。