- Any way you look at it, we're on the losing side. 不管你怎么看,我们是吃亏了。
- Bat did not want to be on the losing side. 蝙蝠不想站在失败的一方。
- In the battle of ideas, Hayek was on the losing side. 在这场思想战争中,哈耶克处于下风。
- The losing side may decide to appeal to a higher court. 败诉方可以决定是否向更高一级法院上诉。
- After the match, supporters of the losing side went on the rampage and damaged several parked cars. 比赛结束后,输方的支持者在外徘徊,并采取暴力行动砸坏了几辆停着的汽车。
- I've been on the losing side in the league only once all season and that was with Royal Antwerp. 他们正在为升级努力,埃文思在爱尔兰队参加2008年欧洲杯预赛和瑞典和列支敦士登的赛事。
- After the match,supporters of the losing side went on the rampage and damaged several parked cars. 比赛结果后,输方的支持者在外徘徊,并采取蠛行动砸坏了几辆停着的汽车。
- Heinze was on the losing side in the Copa America final on Sunday as Argentina went down 3-0 to Brazil. 海因策在星期天美洲杯决赛吃了败仗因为阿根廷被巴西以3-0击垮。
- Made a string of superb saves and unlucky to end on the losing side, but palmed one or two shots back into the danger zone. 做出了一连串的世界级扑救,不幸的是,他们最后还是输掉了比赛。有一两次没有将球击出危险区域。
- Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the“ bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled. 去年,在与中国政府就解决纺织品贸易问题达成有保护主义色彩的协议后,他还发现自己打输了这场“胸罩战争”。
- Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the “bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled[2]. 去年,在与中国政府就非成衣纺织品达成一项带有贸易保护主义色彩的协议后,他也意识到自己在那场“胸罩战争”中吃了败仗。
- Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the “bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled. 去年,在与中国政府就非成衣纺织品达成一项带有贸易保护主义色彩的协议后,他也意识到自己在那场“胸罩战争”中吃了败仗。
- In a few words, if one of the sides is heavily overpowering the other, the losing side will rout. 简而言之;如果战场上的一方相对另外一方有压倒性的优势;那么处于劣势的一方会溃散.
- He tried hard to make up for the lose time. 他竭力试图弥补损失的时间。
- Jennings' clean sheet at Juventus helped Arsenal into the 1980 Cup Winners' Cup Final too but, despite a valliant effort, he finished on the losing side after a penalty shoot-out against Valencia. 詹宁斯在做客尤文图斯时保持不失球,帮助阿森纳打入了1980年的优胜者杯决赛,但是虽然阿森纳英勇拼搏,还是在点球大战中输给瓦伦西亚。
- We teach our children that science and technology are the instruments for man's battle with Nature, but forget to warn them that, being himself apart of Nature, man could easily be on the losing side. 我们在向孩子们传授科技是人类战胜自然的武器时,却偏偏忘记去提醒他们:人类自己也是自然的一部分,人类可能因此而遭灭顶之灾。
- The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。
- Try as you might, you can't keep the lost time. 不管你怎么努力,失去的时间无法赶上。
- The excited fans had a fling at the lost team. 情绪激动的球迷们嘲弄输球的球队。
- The post office tried to trace the lost letter. 邮局设法查出那封丢失的信。