- The lacteals of villi are part of the lymphatic system. 绒毛的乳糜管是淋巴系统的一部分。
- Histopathology of the lymphatic System in ascitic broilers.Vet. Sijun Yang; Dingzhong Guo(通讯作者); Baoan Yao.
- Mimics the lymphatic system, delivers and promotes lymphatic flow and move fluid in the correct physiological direction. 模仿淋巴系统之运动,促进淋巴系统运作,使淋巴液得以依正确的方向运送。
- The embryo lymph cyst is one kind of rarer embryo subnormal because the lymphatic system obstruction. 胎儿淋巴囊肿是一种较少见的胎儿畸形,是由于淋巴系统梗阻所致。
- This is when cancer cells break away from a first tumor and travel through blood vessels or the lymphatic system. 也就是癌细胞离开了第一个肿瘤,并沿着血管或淋巴系统传播。
- It is more common in patients with a history of radiation exposure and spreads via the lymphatic system. 有照射史病人较常见,癌细胞可经淋巴系统扩散。
- Pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis (PLC) is a term that refers to tumor growth in the lymphatic system of the lungs. 讨论:肺部癌性淋巴管炎是研究肿瘤侵及肺部淋巴系统的参考。
- Racing thoughts impose general muscular tension that compromises the lymphatic system and immune system. 奔驰的思绪强加了肉体的紧张,危及淋巴系统和免疫系统。
- The lymphatic system removes the metabolic waste product for excretion by the body. 能活跃身体的淋巴系统,去除代谢所排泄的废品。
- Nail slow growth, no luster and turn yellow thickening: Tips to the lymphatic system illnesses. 指甲生长缓慢,没有光泽且变黄变厚:提示淋巴系统出了毛病。
- Lymphomas are cancers that begin by the malignant transformation of a lymphocyte in the lymphatic system. 淋巴瘤是开始于淋巴系统的淋巴细胞恶性变异的癌症。
- Metastases spread via the lymphatic system to cervical and mediastinal nodes, but sometimes to liver, lungs, and bone as well. 病灶通过淋巴系统转移到颈和纵隔淋巴结,有时也可能转移到肝、肺和骨。
- Burdock is a good herb to use to neutralize and eliminate toxins from the body, as it rids the lymphatic system of congestion and promotes efficient kidney function. 牛蒡能碱化及排除身体的毒素,它能排除淋巴内的阻塞和促进肾脏功能。
- And the Fat-soluble toxin migrate from blood into the lymphatic system or respective mucosa within organ forming polypus,cyst,swelling and so on. 脂溶性毒素则经由血液转移到淋巴系统或各个器官的黏膜,形成息肉、囊肿或肿瘤等。
- Burdock The foremost detoxifying herb in both Western and Chinese herbal medicine, especially benefiting the lymphatic system. 牛蒡-中西方草本医疗的头号排毒植物,尤其对淋巴系统有益。
- Continued research will lead to an understanding of how infectious organisms invade the lymphatic system and overcome its normal protective role. 继续研究将会带来对传染性微生物是如何侵犯淋巴系统并对抗它正常的保护角色进一步的认识。
- The Detox Foot Patch can help assist the lymphatic system and the related blood network to help cleanse and revitalize the body to better health. 使用足贴进行排毒,可以减轻淋巴系统的负担,并可以帮助改善淋巴系统和相关的血液系统的循环,使身体变的更加健康。
- The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and should be carefully uated in any patient in whom other lymphadenopathy is present. 脾脏是淋巴系统的一部分,在任何有其他淋巴结病的病人中应认真检查。
- The lymphatic system also impacts diseases such as excessive obesity caused by abnormal fat and carbohydrate metabolism. 淋巴系统也对疾病像因碳水化合物及脂类代谢异常引起的过度肥胖起一定的影响。
- The Takara Detox Foot Patch can help assist the lymphatic system and the related blood network to help cleanse and revitalize the body to better health. 使用足贴进行排毒,可以减轻淋巴系统的负担,并可以帮助改善淋巴系统和相关的血液系统的循环,使身体变的更加健康。