- Run the macro after you refresh the data. 在刷新数据之后运行该宏。
- An end quote is missing from the macro. 宏定义中缺少右引号。
- Save your changes and close the macro. 保存更改并关闭宏。
- Pause or resume the macro recorder. 暂停或继续宏记录器。
- Click the Macro Project Items tab. 单击“宏方案项”选项卡。
- From the Macro Market to the Micro Drive. 从大市场到微观驱动的思考。
- The macro has not been saved yet. 宏尚未保存。
- The macro pallet will be expanded to 4000 buttons! 宏面板将会扩展到具有4000个按钮!(是现在的20倍!?
- There was a problem running the macro. 在运行宏时发生了一个问题。
- Economists know that the big things are, the macro. 他说不行,就是要逼着你全都看完。
- SRS and flexible nature of the macro media. SRS和介质宏观弹性性质有关。
- However, in recent years, we encounter the weakening effects problem in the implementation of the macro regulation policy. 但在近年来我国宏观调控政策执行过程中,遇到了宏观调控效果弱化的问题。
- The macros are listed in a tree view form. 宏以树视图的形式列出。
- The macro was not found in the device. INF file section. 在该设备inf文件中的一条命令或响应提供了一个未定义的宏。
- To create a new workbook to save the macro in, choose New Workbook. 如想创建一个新的工作簿来保存该宏,请选择“新工作簿”。
- Browse to the macro project file and then choose Open. 浏览至宏项目文件,然后选择“打开”。
- You then run the macro to repeat or "play back" the commands. 然后,您可以运行宏以重复或“播放”这些命令。
- When the key sequence is pressed, the macro executes. 按下按键序列时,将执行宏。
- Open the file that contains the macro project you want to sign. 打开包含要签名的宏工程的文件。
- Note that now the name decoration is done for us by the macro. 注意同样的名字装饰由宏来替我们完成了。