- We should have the major aspect of each problem in mind and solve it in broad outline;to go into every detail is neither possible nor necessary. 要大处着眼,可以粗一点,每个细节都弄清不可能,也不必要。
- The major aspect in this context is real-time processing of continuous media data.Process management must take into account the timing requirements imposed by the handling of multimedia data. 连续媒体数据的实时处理是多媒体操作系统必须提供的一项重要功能。进程管理必须考虑到多媒体数据处理的时序要求。
- Trip distribution is another of the major aspects of the transportation simulation process. 行程分布是交通模拟程序里另一个主要方面。
- On the new version of our website, what are the major aspects that you think are necessary to be further improved? 对我们网站的新版本,您使用后觉得主要应在哪些方面加以改进?
- The major impregnated the soldiers with his own fearless courage. 少校把他自己那份无所畏惧的勇气灌输给了士兵们。
- The major part of the audience was laughing. 大部分观众在笑。
- What do you see as the major aspects of your music which people connect with so well? 你认为是你们音乐的哪一方面让人们能联系得如此之好呢?
- The major general ranks at this camp. 少将是这个营地的最高级军官。
- Here are the major aspects of nonverbal communication that will affect the outcome of your speeches. 下面是会影响你说话效果的非言语交际的几个主要方面。
- Good highways now link all the major cities and towns in Xizang. 西藏的主要城镇都由良好的公路连接了起来。
- Briefed here in the paper are the major aspects of the China-made MPM plant, including the R &D situation, equipment composition, technical features and main technical data. 简述了国产限动芯棒连轧管机组的研制情况和设备的组成、特点及主要技术性能参数,结合生产实际分析了安装调试和试轧的关键技术要点。
- LCS can't scan all the state space when condition attributes contain continuous values, so continuous learning classifier system is one of the major aspects in LCS research. 当环境输人包含连续属性时,经典LCS无法遍历整个状态空间。
- The progress of EPC and the major aspects of research on the same are discussed.Thedevelopments of vidration moulding process for unbonded sand are summariaed in detail. 评述了消失模铸造工艺的发展历程及目前国内外的主要研究方向。针对近年来发展起来的干砂振动造型方面的研究成果进行了重点总结。
- Unemployment is one of the major problems of modern times. 失业问题是现代的主要问题。
- We first look at the major aspects of each of them, then illustrate their application to a portfolios of traditional assets with and without hedge funds. 我们先考虑它们的主要方面,然后举例说明他们在传统资产投资组合中的应用,包括有对冲基金和没有对冲基金。
- The rest had no major aspect between Mars and Uranus. 剩余的人没有火星和天王星之间的主要相位。
- We were overruled by the majority. 我们的意见被多数人否决了。
- Ever since Adam fool have been in the majority. 自亚当以来,一直就是蠢才占多数。
- Ever since Adam fools have been in the majority. 自亚当以来,一直就是蠢才占多数。
- The majority was/were in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议。