- It threw light on the mentality of his former friend. 它使他对他故友的思想有了一些了解。
- the mentalities of prose 散文心态
- And I use the mentality of how to face the reality. 我又该用怎样的心态去面对现实。
- He wasn't rid of the mental burden. 他摆脱不了精神负担。
- The letter threw light on the mentality of his former friend. 这封信透露了他先前的朋友的心理状态。
- The mentality of negative and narcissism is very dangerous. 消极自恋心态是一种极其危险的心态。
- Consisting or characteristic of prose. 散文的组成散文的或有散文特点的
- Confucius's analogy about politics originated from the mentalities of worshiping the polestar and kismet of Pre-qin dynasty's people. 摘要孔子的北辰之譬是在先秦人的北极崇拜和崇信天命的心理大环境下提出的。
- It means to strengthen the mentalities of lo cal nation such as the root of a matter, respect of ancestors and love of clansm en in the form of verses of seniority among siblings. 它以字辈排行诗的形式,借以增强“木本水源”“敬宗睦族”的民族心理感情。
- I want to glance over one time this piece of prose. 我想浏览一下这篇散文。
- We can design beautiful generous and every form of shoe-boxes according to the mentalities of customers, and do mass production to samples of clients' needs! 可根据消费者不同心理、设计出美观大方的各式鞋盒,也可根据客户需求按样批量生产。
- Please turn this piece of prose into verse. 请把这段散文改写成诗歌。
- I can't understand the mentality of people who say such things. 我不能理解讲这种话的人的心理状态。
- It's very difficult to understand the mentality of people who say such things. 很难理解讲这种话的人的心理状态。
- This is a piece of prose poetry. 这是一首散文诗。
- I cannot understand the mentality of football hooligans. 我无法理解足球流氓的心态。
- She gained distinction as a writer of prose. 她以散文作家闻名。
- It' s very difficult to understand the mentality of people who say such things. 很难理解讲这种话的人的心理状态。
- The mental turmoil, showed quickly in his work. 胡思乱想很快就影响了他的工作。
- He was a good businessman, but he had the mentality of a consumerist. 他是个精明的生意人,但也有消费者意识。