- There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah! 万物非主,唯有真主;穆罕默德,主值使者!
- The messenger of Allah. 真主安拉的代言者
- I declare there is no the other god but Allah, and I witness Mohammed is the messenger of Allah! 欢迎,真主的力量是无穷的!我们这的兄弟姐妹越来越多了!天下穆斯林是一家!希望经常上来和大家交流
- Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) made qunut consecutively for one month in all the five daily Prayers. 从伊本阿巴斯(求主喜悦他)传来,穆圣(求主福安之)曾连续地在一个月中的每番拜里都做杜瓦古奴台。
- The robin is the messenger of spring. 知更鸟是报春的使者。
- Most importantly, he is the messenger of the gods. 更重要的是,他是众神的信使。
- why do ye vex and insult me, though ye know that I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you? 你们既知道我是真主派来教化你们的使者,你们为什麽诽谤我呢?”
- To the flower a bee is the messenger of love. 对花来说;蜜蜂是爱的使者.
- An archangel acting as the messenger of God. 加百列作为上帝的使者的天使长
- " So the Messenger of Allah sent word to him: "Take back your garden, and give her one pronouncement of divorce. ”因此安拉的使者就给那个做丈夫的带话说,“把你的花园收回去,给她一份离婚声明吧。
- Mercury was the name of the messenger of the ancient Roman gods. 水星(墨丘利)是古代罗马神话中众神使者的名字。
- the messenger of allah 真主安拉的代言者
- And how would ye deny Faith while unto you are rehearsed the Signs of Allah, and among you Lives the Messenger? 你们常常听见别人对你们宣读真主的迹象,使者又与你们相处,你们怎么不信道呢?
- O ye that believe! betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger, nor misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you. 信道的人们啊!你们不要背叛真主和使者,不要明知故犯地不忠于你们所受的信托。
- Allah is my objective. The messenger is my leader. Quran is my law. Jihad is my way. Dying in the way of Allah is my highest hope. 毛主席当年给儿子的信中教导他说:你们青年人应该少谈点政治。多学点实在的技术知识。毛主席他老人家的教导对我们现在的青年人也是同样受用的。
- I also bear witness that Muhammad is the faithful Servant and Messenger of Allah. 我也作证穆罕默德是衪的忠仆,也是衪的差使。
- After the dispatch of the messenger we waited. 派出使者后,我们等待着。
- He called Hermes, the messenger of the gods, and told him to go to Io and rescue her. 他唤来众神的使者赫密斯,要他到爱娥那儿去救她。
- The messenger brought tidings of the battle. 信差带来战役的音信。
- The number of birds is increasing due to the improving of the envi-ronment in Xining, and the birds are consid-ered as the messenger of spring. 由于生态环境改善和水域面积增大,在西宁市最大的人工湖宁湖湖区栖息的野鸭等飞禽逐渐增多,春日里这些飞禽为古城西宁带来无限生机。