- Anger is the most destructive weapon of all human emotions. 愤怒是人类情感中最具破坏力的武器。
- It was the most destructive storm in 30 years. 那是三十年来毁灭性最大的风暴。
- It is the most destructive storm in 20 years. 这是20年来破坏性最大的一次风暴。
- The most destructive force is gossip in the world. 流言是世间最厉害的破坏力。
- For my side, the Taiping was the most destructive. 从我看来,太平天国运动具有极大的破坏性。
- What is the most destructive force for natural enviroment? 对于自然环境来说,什么是最大的破坏力量?
- What is the most destructive force for natural environment? 对于自然环境来说,什么是最大的破坏力量?
- Today it is still the most destructive cotton pest in North America. 现在这种昆虫仍然是北美洲最具破坏性的昆虫。
- Dendrolimus punctatus is the most destructive forest insect pest in China. 马尾松毛虫一直是我国最严重的森林食叶害虫之一。
- One of the most destructive droughts in recent memory is the 1930s American Dust Bowl,which lasted only six years. 人们记忆中最近的一次最具破坏性的旱灾发生在二十世纪三十年代美国的“尘暴区”,它仅持续了六年。
- Defilement is the most destructive thing in life. Disadvantage is the best condition for success. 最容易毁灭人生的就是烦恼最容易成就伟人的就是逆境。
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- Typhoon Wanda was one of the most destructive typhoons in the history of Hong Kong. 台风温黛是香港有史以来其中一个最具破坏力的台风。
- The Hoover administration had seemingly halted the most destructive attrition of depression by the summer of 1932. 到1932年夏天,胡佛政府似已制服最具有破坏性的萧条因素。
- Gen. Clark: The most effective weapon is the idea. 克拉克将军:最有效的武器是观点。
- Wheat leaf rust is one of the most destructive diseases on wheat production throughout the world. 小麦叶锈病是国内外影响小麦生产的重要病害。
- One of the most destructive droughts in recent memory is the 1930s American Dust Bowl, which lasted only six years. 人们记忆中最近的一次最具破坏性的旱灾发生在二十世纪三十年代美国的“于旱尘暴区”,它仅持续了六年。
- The most destructive was in 1841, when lava flows buried a town, killing 1,200 people. 最惨烈的则是1841年,当时诸多熔岩流埋葬了一个乡镇,杀死1200人。
- Rice blast disease, caused by Pyricularia grisea Sacc., is the most destructive diseases in northeast. 摘要稻瘟病是北方水稻的主要病害,选育抗病品种是防治稻瘟病最经济有效的措施。
- The most destructive force against marriage is apathy, indifferent to each other. 婚姻最大的敌人就是冷漠,彼此的冷漠。