- It is the linchpin of the multilateral system as it is the ultimate safeguard of an equitable rule-based framework. 协议能确保世贸成员遵守世贸条款,因此对多边贸易制度的有效运作至为重要。
- That is the promise of the multilateral approach. 这也是多边贸易谈判所企盼的前景。
- In this way, the multilateral trading system contributes to economic growth and development throughout the world. 通过这样一种方式,这一多边贸易体制对世界经济的增长和发展起着重要作用。
- In this way,the multilateral trading system contributes to economic growth and development throughout the world. 通过这样一种方式,多边贸易体制对世界经济的增长和发展起着重要作用。
- All these are great contributions to the multilateral trading system and the new round of talks. 所有这些,都是对多边贸易体制和新一轮谈判做出的重大贡献。
- The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the legal and institutional foundation of the multilateral trading system. 世界贸易组织(WTO)是多边贸易体系的法律和制度基础。
- For satisfied with the multilateral needs of client, Made-To-Measure System will be the future of fashion CAD. 为了满足多元化的顾客需求,单量单裁系统(Made-To-Measure System)成为服装CAD发展得新方向。
- At the same time, regional trade liberalisation should not be done at the expense of the multilateral trading system. 同时,不应该以牺牲多边贸易体系而进行区域贸易自由化。
- What is the historical role of the GATT within the multilateral trade system in its development process? 关贸总协定在多边贸易体制发展史上的地位如何?又起过多大作用?
- An annual overview of developments in the international trading environment which are having an impact on the multilateral trading system shall also be undertaken by the TPRB. TPRB每年还应对影响多边贸易体制的国际贸易环境的发展情况做出综述。
- The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture. The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention. 此外,多边贸易体制处在一个关键时刻,11月WTO多哈会议为世人所瞩目。
- All these reflect progress of the human society, during which the multilateral trading system has played a critical role. 这反映了人类社会的进步。在这一进程中,多边贸易体制发挥了十分重要的作用。
- the multilateral system 多边机制
- However, the function of the review mechanism is to examine the impact of a Member's trade policies and practices on the multilateral trading system. 但是,审议机制的职能是审查一成员的贸易政策和做法对多边贸易体制的影响。
- One, the restoration of a multilateral system of payments, based on world wide convertibility of currencies; two, stability of exchange rates;three, national independence in monetaryfiscal policies. 国基组织的三个主要目标是:在全球范围货币可兑换的基础上重建多边付款秩序;稳定汇率;各国自主确定货币和财政政策。
- The author holds that, as a "super-national" regional international organization, the EC is an active participator in the multilateral trading system. 作者认为,欧共体作为具有“超国家”性质的区域性国际组织,是多边贸易体制的积极参加者;
- However, the multilateral diplomacy that this forum offered never worked. 然而该论坛提供的多边外交从未生效。
- Nowdays, the multilateral security cooperation system, represented by CSCE, is the most effective way to solve area security in this world. 现今世界上,以欧安会为代表的多边安全合作模式是解决地区安全最有效方式。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。