- She justified her crime in the name of love. 她为自己的罪行辩解说,一切都为了爱。
- Will you elope in the name of love? 你会为爱而私奔吗?
- I greet you in the name of the President. 我代表总统前来迎接您。
- Can you bring to mind the name of the child? 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗?
- He writes under the name of Nimrod. 他用尼姆罗德这个名字写作。
- In the like name of love with strangers only. 以只爱陌生人的名义。
- He blasphemed against the name of God. 他亵渎了神的名字。
- I couldn't think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。
- Though in the name of love, those hurting things must be similar to possessive desires. 伤害人的东西也许会打着爱的名义,但那绝对是另外的接近占有欲望的东西。
- To dedicate all his merits, under the name of love and loyalty, to his fictional peeress Dulcinea... 将功绩以爱与忠贞之美名奉献于其所虚构的贵妇度喜妮亚...
- The name of Nero is associated with cruelty. 尼禄的名字使人联想到残忍。
- Those harmful things may be in the name of love, but it must be other things similar to possessive desire. 伤害人的东西也许会打着爱的名义,但那绝对是另外的接近占有欲望的东西。
- The name of the slough was Despond. 这个深渊名叫绝望。
- CAO Xue-qin warmly eulogized YOU San-jie's heroic deed of committing suicide in the name of love. 她的死是对封建社会“以礼杀人”的抗议,曹雪芹热情地歌颂了尤三姐的壮烈殉情。
- Do you know the name of that prelate? 你知道那个高级教士的名字吗?
- Between the two poles of affirmation and doubt, both in the name of love, I try to follow my true course. 在肯定与怀疑的两极之间(二者都是以爱为基础的),我竭力遵循我的正确途径。
- She by the name of Rose has rosy cheeks. 叫做玫瑰的她有玫瑰一样红润的脸颊。
- Marian Evans wrote under the name of George Eliot. 玛丽安·伊文思写文章使用笔名乔治·艾略特。
- Women were the symbol of love, and they still are. That is why thousands of songs are written in the name of the mother and hardly any for the father. 女人是爱心的象徵,到现在也都还是,这也是为什么好多歌曲都是歌颂母亲,很少歌颂父亲。
- The slogan was a pun on the name of the product. 广告标语与其产品名称一语双关。