- the natural disaster education 灾害教育
- We overcame the natural disaster and got in a bumper harvest. 我们战胜了自然灾害并获得了丰收。
- The suggestion is to infuse the natural disaster mitigation education into geography curriculum at junior high schools to enhance students' ideas. 研究者建议可以将天然防灾教育融入国中地理科中,健全青少年对于防灾的观念。
- Wang takes a more fatalistic view of the natural disaster. 王以宿命的态度面对这场自然灾难。
- They rallied round and overcame difficulties caused by the natural disaster. 他们团结一致,克服自然灾害造成的困难。
- Finally,perhaps we need to consider the natural disaster that we are causing ourselves. 最后,我们或许需要考虑我们人类自己造成的自然灾害。
- Finally, perhaps we need to consider the natural disaster that we are causing ourselves. 最后,我们或许需要考虑我们人类自己造成的自然灾害。
- "Like anyone, I was saddened to see the natural disaster in China and the devastation it caused many Chinese people. "和大家一样,我很难过看到这次自然灾害在中国给大家造成的破坏。
- On Aug.12th, 2004, typhoon “Yun Na” landed on Wen Ling, and Zomax faced the natural disaster. 2004年8月12日,“云娜”台风在温岭登陆。
- After the natural disaster passed, viruses began to spread in the areas it had affected. 灾情过后,病毒在灾区滋蔓。
- The alleviation and prevention of the natural disaster caused by outbursts in coal mines are of great significance. 对减轻和防止煤矿瓦斯突出自然灾害具有重要意义。
- The natural disaster eased political tensions, and a diplomatic solution was agreed upon. 天灾缓和了政治的紧张关系,两国的纷争终于凭外交解决。
- In this tragic hour of horrendous loss in human lives, our words fail us in consoling those who are victims of the natural disaster and tragedy. 在这场浩劫中,很多生命离我们而去,我们无法用言语安慰和悼念受难者。
- The earthquake was a terrible natural disaster. 那次地震真是一场可怕的天灾。
- Lee Guillory, the Natural Disaster Manager for the Army Corps of Engineers in New Orleans, says this does disrupt the natural ecology of the lake, but only for a while. 为了降低新奥尔良附近河流的水位,政府官员正在将密西西比河的淡水疏导到庞恰特雷恩湖当中。
- Simulated natural disaster educates museum visitors 自然灾害模拟馆教育参观者
- Above all, agriculture is faced with IJ like that the natural disaster such as the water in the bound, drought, ill, bug, besides, still include management field. 首先,农业面临IJ然界中的水、旱、病、虫等自然灾难,除此之外,还包括经营治理方面。
- Water is the natural medium in which fish live. 水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境。
- This river is the natural habitat of fisher. 这条河是食鱼貂的自然栖身地。
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。