- The noose didn't snap your neck?!? 那绳圈没折断你的脖子?!?
- Tighten the noose around [round] the neck of sb. 拉紧某人脖子上的绞索
- Tighten the noose around [ round ] the neck of sb. 拉紧某人脖子上的绞索
- This time you have really put your head in the noose. 这次你真是自投罗网了。
- As the prisoner fell, the noose would snap his neck. 在犯人往下掉的时候,绞索圈套就会突然勒紧他的脖子。
- I put one boot on Father Donovan's chest and held the noose tight. 我一只脚踩在多诺万神父的胸上紧紧,手紧紧扯住勒在他脖子上的细线。
- I sat up in his backseat and slipped the noose around his neck. 我在他车后座坐起来,手里的活套套上他的脖子。
- He wonders, Should I use my sword, the noose, or the poison? 于是,身披闪亮盔甲的武士再也没有回到公主身边,他留在这个城镇过着快乐的日子。
- Then Sikes slipped and fell!The noose was round his neck. 这时,赛克斯一滑,掉了下去,活结套在了他的脖子上。
- I put one boot on Father Donovan' s chest and held the noose tight. 我一只脚踩在多诺万神父的胸上紧紧,手紧紧扯住勒在他脖子上的细线。
- Father Donovan said nothing. Stared at my eyes. I pulled on the noose. 多诺万神父一言不发,只是瞪住倒车镜里面我的眼睛。我拉紧了鱼线。
- As Sikes fell, the noose tightened.He fell thirty-five feet, and there he hung! 当赛克斯掉下时,活结就拉紧了,他掉下去三十五英尺,便悬吊在那里了!
- Official video of the hanging shows Barzan being beheaded by the noose. 官方录像显示被绞索斩首。
- As he leaves with his sword, the princess reminds him to be careful, and to bring the noose and the poison. 随身带着他的剑,公主叮咛他凡事小心,并要他带着绳套与毒药。
- This time he nodded. He fluttered a hand at the noose, not sure what would happen if he tried to loosen it. His face was turning purple. 这次他点点头,大概是没想过如果试着去拉会有什么后果,他朝脖子上的线伸手过去,我一用力他的脸一下子发紫。
- Hussein was carrying a Koran and was compliant as the noose was draped around his neck. 见证人称行刑时,侯赛因手捧古兰经,绳索套入脖颈时,没有反抗。
- Although she has spent many nights in a dungeon, she has avoided the noose so far. 虽然她在地牢里度过了许多夜晚,她还是远远的避开了绞架。
- I yanked hard on the noose, harder than he thought he could live through, harder than he knew could happen to him. 我又狠狠的拉紧了勒在他脖子上的细线。他大概没有料到我这次会下手这么狠,以为我打算就这么杀了他。
- The noose are not *(no prank.) We were lynching (lynched), it we were mind it (murdered). 这代表我们被处以私刑,我们被谋杀。
- Brimming with Chou Yuan, superimposed strive night and day inside the noose I Rouchang loss. 满腹的愁怨,叠加在夙兴夜寐的绞索里损我柔肠。