- The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm. 战争的爆发加速了我们公司的倒闭。
- He is a member of the out party. 他是在野党的一员。
- He and his wife seem to be on the outs these days. 他和他的妻子最近似乎感情很不好。
- the out islands 外围岛屿
- Are you for the outing tomorrow? 你赞成明天去远行吗?
- Ultra-modern conveniences and Out Island warmth: it's all here on Grand Bahama Island. 超现代化的舒适设施和热情好客的外岛人民在大巴哈马岛欢迎您的到来!
- I think we should postpone the outing. 我认为我们应该推迟这次郊游。
- Susan and Linda were always on the outs. 过去苏珊和琳达总是争吵不休。
- Both sides accepted the out of court settlement. 双方都接受了庭外和解。
- They cancelled the outing because of the rain. 他们因为下雨取消了那次郊游。
- National elections were concurrent with the out break of war. 在全国举行大选的同时,战争爆发了。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- The out object is always there and you can just use it. out对象肯定是3,所以只需直接用它即可。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- Reduce to maintain not less than 180 knots until the out marker. 减小到180节并保持直到远台。
- The out - put of produce impaired by the cold weather. 农产品因气候寒冷而减产。
- The out keyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. out关键字会导致参数通过引用来传递。
- We appointed the next day for the outing. 我们约定第二天郊游。
- He sailed the boat between the islands. 他驾驶著船在两岛之间航行。