- Clive was so excited to see the outside world. “克莱夫看到外面的世界是多么兴奋
- We get to know the outside world. 简单地把它们连在一起就不妥当了。
- They were cut off from the outside world. 他们和外界隔绝了。
- He knew from nothing about the outside world. 他很无知。
- But the outside world was beginning to change. 但是外面的世界正开始发生变化。
- The firewall machine will require two ethernet card, one interface to the outside world and one to the master pop network. 防火墙计算机要求2张以太网卡,一个对外部世界的接口和一个对主POP网络的接口。
- We call this opening to the outside world. 用我们的话讲,叫对外开放。
- I can my students'eyes to see the outside world. 我能让学生睁开眼睛去面对外面的世界。
- He isolated himself from the outside world. 他把自己与外部世界隔绝了。
- Doing better in opening to the outside world. (四)提高对外开放水平。
- Do you hide anything from the outside world? 你是否在表世界中隐瞒了什么东西?
- Scholarly to the point of being unaware of the outside world. 学究式的,迂腐的除学术方面以外对外界毫无知觉
- That island was literally sealed off from the outside world. 那个岛与外界简直是隔绝的。
- We will open the service sector to the outside world step by step. 逐步推进服务领域开放。
- They were then almost completely cut off from the outside world. 这时他们和外界几乎完全隔绝了。
- And our policy of opening to the outside world will only expand. 对外开放政策只会变得更加开放。
- We cannot keep the door closed to the outside world. 闭关自守不行。
- We should steadily open more fields to the outside world. 稳步扩大对外开放领域。
- He was finally granted a glimpse of the outside world. 他终于有机会得以一睹外部世界的风采。
- Third,the Chinese market has opened wider to the outside world. 三是中国市场对外开放格局进一步形成。