- The overwhelming majority of the people? 最广大人民
- The overwhelming majority of the indigenous English are,in fact,BCs. 事实上,绝大多数土生土长的英国人属于BC级。
- The overwhelming majority of WTO members are developing ones. 在WTO成员中,绝大多数是发展中成员,
- They comprise the overwhelming majority of the white people. 他们构成了白人中的压倒性多数。
- The overwhelming majority of our comrades are good comrades. 我们的同志,绝对大多数都是好同志。
- I think the overwhelming majority supports this decision. 我想绝大多数人是拥护这个决定的。
- Otherwise, we will not be able to unite with the overwhelming majority. 这样才能真正团结绝大多数。
- Otherwise,we will not be able to unite with the overwhelming majority. 这样,我们才能真正团结绝大多数。
- The overwhelming majority of those present were in favour of the plan. 绝大多数与会者都赞同这个计划。
- Our just and severe statement has won the support of the overwhelming majority. 我们义正辞严的声明赢得了大多数的支持.
- The overwhelming majority of gay people are completely normal genetically. 压倒的多数同性恋者在基因方面是完全正常的。
- The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition. 我国的知识分子绝大多数是自觉自愿地为社会主义服务的。
- This is augmented by the firm desire of the overwhelming majority of Singaporeans to keep it that way. 此外,国人都强烈的希望保持现有的情况。
- The overwhelming majority, including those who were obsessed by factionalism, were redeemable. 绝大多数人,包括被派性迷了心窍的人,都可以挽救过来。
- The overwhelming majority of the Chinese people will never allow such a retrogression. 中国绝大多数人决不允许历史倒退。
- The interests of the overwhelming majority of the people are the vital and most decisive factor. 最大多数人的利益是最紧要和最具有决定性的因素。
- The overwhelming majority of comrades here are familiar with these fine principles and traditions. 在座的同志,绝大多数对于这些好制度、好传统是熟悉的。
- I am sure the overwhelming majority of the comrades in our Party will answer in the affirmative. 我想,我们全党绝大多数的同志会说,是能够的。
- I think that the overwhelming majority of our army comrades are dissatisfied with the present state of affairs. 我想军队绝大多数同志是不满意这种现状的。
- The overwhelming majority of nonlinear differential equations are not soluble analytically. 绝大多数非线性微分方程是不能用解析方法求解的。